How You Spend New Years

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I'm currently writing the first date chapter as well so except that soon :)

Also happy 2019!!

(Listen to the song at the top it's so cute)



Toriel would usually invite you and your family over to spend New year's together. It was almost a tradition.
It always went the same way too.

The adults all go and have champagne and talk while you and Kris mainly played with party poopers and snuck a little bit of the alcohol.

You two feel high for the rest of the night.


Susie will bring you to the park to watch fireworks. You guys usually sit on the one bench that it partially under a very big tree. You two just kinda cuddle up and watch the fireworks until your parents call you both and tell you to come home.

They occasionally find you at the park both passed out of the bench in each other's arms.

(Like Kris , You two also sneak a tiny bit of alcohol)


At first Ralsei didn't know what New year's was at all. After some explaining, he got really excited about it.

He usually goes all out and buys pretty much anything that says 'new years' on it. He honestly just wants to make you happy and you always are.

You guys have hot chocolate instead of champagne.


Noelle is honestly a little sad about new years because Christmas only ended a few days ago. You usually have to make her feel better and you usually succeed.

You usually eat leftover Christmas food and drink some time of slightly alcoholic eggnog with both your families. Noelle's mom usually is working when the ball drops.

She kinda loves getting a little kiss from you at midnight.


You both honestly don't care too much about new years. In the dark world it's all the same to you guys. The castle doesn't really celebrate New year's anyway. But Rouxls usually gives you guys extra candy so that's fun. You also annoy him with random noise makers .

|Rouxls Kaard|

You two celebrate it like super fancy people. You two drink champagne and kiss at midnight. You both wear super fancy clothing. It's all perfect.

(Except Lancer loves to burst in sometimes but it's probably fine)


You usually just bring him some fancy food. You both play dumb new years games and hang out. He usually gets super enthusiastic about the noise makers and funny hats.

(You don't trust him with champagne)



I only just got this idea a few minutes ago and I'm writing this in a car. -_-'

Just thought this would be cute.

Happy New year's

(Also thank you all so much)

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