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Hey I suck as an author  ;-;

Enjoy this long past due update



• Walks over to you

• Stares at person

• This makes them uncomfortable

• Person leaves

• Kris just creeps them out or makes them uncomfortable in any way they can

• Might get close to person

• You question if you're dating a serial killer


• Walks over when person basically just came up to you

• Her height/appearance probably intimidates them already

• May pull out her axe

• Has conversation with you about how hard you train with her

• Basically wants the person to know you both could kick their ass

• Wants to be as intimidating as possible

• May literally just growl


• Usually never gets jealous buttt...

• If someone is getting more comfortable with you than to his liking he will not hesitate to step in

• Tries to be intimidating and fails

• May just ask you to leave the person alone

• e x c u s e s

• Will be embarrassed while being jealous

• Might get a lil angry


• Shy af

• Almost doesn't have the confidence to go up to you and the person

• She eventually does

• Lots of stuttering

• You get what she means

•  She's relieved

• Hugs

•  Afterwards she will definitely stare down person when they're not looking


Feels like he might be replaced

• Steps in immediately

• Defends his queen (you)

• Might yell at person

• Angry Boi™

• Later gets embarrassed at his behavior

• It's adorable

|Rouxls Kaard|

• Will notice and instantly be super jealous

• He's overdramatic

• Walks over and does the classic,
"(Y/N) who's this?"

• Places his arm around you

• His height intimidates the hell out of person

• Evil stares at them

• Probably has a glass of wine in hand like the fancy bitch he is


•  Instantly wants to murder person

• Bounces over to you

• Super obnoxious

• Person is uncomfortable

• Makes scary faces

• Person runs for dear life

• Laughing afterwards



I haven't updated in sorry fjfjfbfjrjdjfbsisb

I don't know what to write here


(Words: 336)

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