Hanging Out Together

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(you are not dating yet, this is more  friendship stuff, but some cute moments in every story)

(Also exams are coming at my school and I'm going to die ;-;)



You two train together all the time. It is one of the main things you two did together. Of course, you two would usually go easy but, you would occasionally go full power. Susie loved these rounds and today, as usual, she asked you to one.

"Hey, (Y/N)!" Susie yelled at you
"What is it Barney?" (You often called her this just to annoy the hell out of her) you yelled back. She heavily sighed.  "You wanna do a full power round?" She questioned. "Sure, bring it on" you replied. "Whatever you say string bean." (her annoying nickname for you) she said.

You immediately ran toward her with (weapon of choice) in hand. She turned around and swung her axe at you. You doged just in time by dropping to the floor. It hurt a small bit, but you had experienced worse. She tried to stomp on you but, you then quickly rolled over. You quickly got up and got a little more focused. You realized she was staring at you. This was a golden opportunity to take her down.

You ran up and tried to kick her in the stomach. However, she quickly grabbed your arms and pinned you to the ground. You realized it wasn't as much power as she was capable of. She was being more gentle. You stared into her eyes for a long time as she did yours. Both of your faces were bright red as soon as you snapped out of it. Susie tried to make it less awkward.

"That was a good attempt to take me down," she stated "you're more fiesty than everyone else on our team. I like it." You became redder. "Thanks, you had some good attacks in there." You quickly said. She blushed as well. "I.. uh... I gotta go....." She said with a red face as she left the room in a hurry. It was perfectly adorable.


Since you two had met, you had spent LOTS of time together. It mostly consisted of taking walks. It was calming and you both always had a lot of fun. Ralsei always tried to find new places the two of you could explore and today, he found the perfect spot to walk to.

He asked you if you wanted to go and you of course said yes. About halfway through the walk, you spotted a candy tree that you had never seen before. There was a candy on the very top of the tree. The candy looked really good so, you decided to try and get it. You walked over to the tree.

"(Y/N)! What are you doing? Be careful!" Ralsei called from the path. "I'll be fine, Ralsei!" You yelled back. You grabbed on to a branch that was just above your head. It was sturdy, so you grabbed on to it and lifted your foot over a branch that was a little lower. Once you were fully on the sturdy branch, you reached for another one. Ralsei looked like he was about to have a heart attack.

When you got to the top of the tree, you realized that it was actually higher than you thought it was. Getting down may not be so easy. You grabbed a price of the candy and tried to place your foot steadily on a lower branch. SNAP! The branch suddenly broke and you began to fall.

Ralsei, who had been watching the whole time, ran over to try to catch you. Luckily, he made it over in time to break your fall but, he didn't catch you. You both groaned. You immediately got off Ralsei. Your face burned with red. He got up and saw that you were unharmed and sighed of relief.

"Ralsei....you...didn't have to do that...just....thank you." You said shyly. "Oh it's no problem, just glad nobody got hurt!" He replied happily. You took notice that he had a few scrapes on his hands and knees. You looked over at the dirt and saw the unique candy that started all this mess. It was just laying in the grass, completely unharmed. You ran over and picked it up. You ran back to Ralsei and gave it to him. He looked kinda confused.

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