Dating Lancer Would Include

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I will probably put older lancer and current lancer in this chapter since he is so young


(Current lancer)

• Riding Bikes together

• Having to carry band aids because you both fall off so much

• Doing Puzzles

• Eating loads of candy

• Watching Cartoons Together

• Him being afraid his dad will hurt you

• Cuddly Hugs

• Blanket Forts

• Annoying the hell out of Rouxls

• ( but he still loves you both)

• Pillow Fights

• Sleepovers at card castle

• Knowing you both are gonna get married one day

• Crying when the playdates end

• Sending Letters with dumb stickers on them

• Exploring the castle

• Imaging together what you can make the castle into when it's yours


(Older Lancer)

(Like teen or something)

• Him picking you up with his hugs

• Him Calling you his queen

• He is so protective of you

• Would kill anyone who insults you

• Having another throne in the throne room for you

• Fixing Him up after battles

• You both wanting to be a better rulers  than both your parents

• Making better laws for future citizens

• Kisses on the cheek all the time

• Sitting in his lap for no reason

• Puberty hit lancer like a truck

• Him making you have a Butler

• Never being scared of him when he gets older and looks more like his dad



This was kinda hard to write

I'm thinking of adding jevil soon

I already have some ideas

Just need to watch his battle and all that because I haven't seen it that much yet

Expect it soon

If not yell at me

Luv ya

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