They Ask You Out

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I have no idea what I'm doing 

These may be cringey

But who cares



They simply passed you a note in the middle of class. It just said


Be my girlfriend/boyfriend/lover?

You actually got out of your seat and screamed yes. You then proceeded to tackle them into a hug.

Alphys ships it so hard.


You both were just chilling outside the school. Susie was of course eating chalk and you were just looking at your phone. Susie suddenly asks you out of nowhere.

"Hey (Y/N), wanna start going out? Like together, as a couple or something?"

You were speechless and just replied


You two proceeded to spend the rest of the day together at (favorite restaurant).


He was super shy about it, but he managed to ask you.

"Hey (Y/N) would you ever wanna be my lover?"

(A/N Shoot that sounds like that spice girls song I like)

You nearly choked on your breath.

You then proceeded to tackle him while screaming yes.

Classic (Y/N)


For being the shyest person in all of school, Noelle was actually kind of confident when asking you out. She knew what she would do immediately.

She got a giant bouquet of flowers for you and went to your house. She knocked on the door slowly. You opened and she said very quickly...


(Hi (Y/N) will you be my girlfriend / boyfriend / lover?)

She was a blushing mess and eagerly waited for you to respond. You were quiet at first.




She couldn't stop blushing for the rest of the day. It was adorable.


You guys already knew you were going to marry one another one day so you kinda just eventually evolved from friendship to lovers without even asking. You both just knew. What's the point since you would be together anyway one day? The closest thing to lancer asking you out was this.

"Hey (Y/N), we are getting married one day aren't we?"


"So we are in a relationship now right?"


"Ok, cool"

Kinda boring but you two are happy.

|Rouxls Kaard|

He actually asked you while you were doing some work. It really caught you off guard.

He walked up to you when you had about one hundred papers on your hands. You were obviously struggling with keeping them in your hands. You saw him coming and went into panic mode. He started to ask you.

"(Y/N), will thou be mineth lover?"

You dropped all the papers and just stared at him. He looked like he had done something wrong when you didn't respond.

"Dideth thine do something wrongst?"

You just nodded no. He didn't do anything wrong. He just made your day.

You went up to him and just said yes very loudly. Needles to say, he was very relieved.


You didn't expect jevil to ever ask you, because who would? He's insane!

You just went to the cell to deliver his food as usual and he said he had a question to ask you.

"h E y, (Y/N)?"

"Yes, Jevil?"

"c A n W e G o O u t O g E t H e R?"

It came out of nowhere and you could see his completely serious face. You didn't know how to reply to him.

But you eventually did.

"Uh, sure if you want to."

" w O n D e R f U l."



Wanted to make this but I fell like it's bad

Also expect slower updates because I started school again today

Sorry bout dat

(Thanks for the support)


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