First Kiss

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I haven't been writing lately

I have just been hanging around because I am so tired and for some reason everyone in my life thinks I'm sad



It actually happened at school. Kris got dared to by Susie because she thought they would be awkward and hilarious.

Oh no

Kris had been wanting to do this and so this was perfect for them.

They got up from where they were sitting and very confidently walked over to the table you were sitting at. They leaned against the table and all of the people you were sitting with were staring at them. It was a little awkward since they had a very smug grin.

You gave them a "what the fuck are you doing?" Look at their smirk only got bigger.

They then proceeded to smash their face into yours a little to quickly.  Your lips touched, but it was really fast and it was more like a head collision.

You both were in the nurse's office for the rest of the day but you laugh about it now.


You just kinda decided one day you wanted to kiss Susie. So you weren't going to argue with what you wanted, so you just went to her house.

You knocked on the door and within seconds, Susie was at the door. She looked surprised to see you.

"Hey, what's up (Y/N)? Need anything?"

You nodded yes calmly, while on the inside you were about to explode.

"Ok yeah, what is it?"

You just suddenly grabbed her face. She began to look worried and flustered.

"(Y/N) what are you doing?"

You pushed your faces closer and gave her a smooch. She was trying to get away until your lips touched, then she sunk into it.

After a few seconds , you let go of her face and started to walk back home.


You just shrugged. She smiled at you.
You continued to walk back to your house at Susie watched with the door open.

What an odd day.


Your first kiss was accidental.

(But not unwanted)

You were both at his his little home when it happened. He was making a cake in the kitchen while you were sitting at a table extremely bored.

You decided to go give Ralsei a little kiss on the nose because you felt like it.

You went up to him and tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around kinda slowly. You quickly leaned forward and tried to kiss his nose but, in the process of doing so he tried to get away. You ended up missing his nose and hitting his mouth with your mouth.(A/N reference?!?)

You both pulled away immediately out of pure embarrassment. You felt like you had done something wrong. You felt super embarrassed.

After a few seconds of pure embarrassment and panic, Ralsei tapped your shoulder. You looked up to see a sympathetic and lightly flustered smile on his face.


........can you do that again?"


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