Chapter 4 | Ill?

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I wake up, brush my teeth, eat breakfast and head out for a day of mining. Creepy or not, that's my cave, but I'll go back over there next time. This time, I'm heading to a cave I found slightly off the trail to the village. I took 20 torches for my initial exploration of the cave aswell as a diamond sword and an iron and a diamond pickaxe. I had seen other caves in the surrounding area and intended on going to them if it was the small cave it looked like. I walk about 60 feet down the path to the village and look to my left to see the unexplored cave. I walk over to the mouth of the cave and look into it to see an absence of mobs. I place the torches to my left and a few torches in, I see the cave is larger than I expected.

*Timeskip of 1 hour brought to you by: Thepuinnydog, my good friend.*

Well I have used all except one of my torches. Oh well, I'll just put it on the cave branch I'm going to look at next time. As I place it down, I hear someone crying. I sprint toward the noise, sword drawn. As I get to the source of the sound, I see that it was a tape recording. I walk over to it to see if it had a title on it. It did. It read: Lure. That's a strange name. Maybe someone has a mob lure because they needed gunpowder? Whatever. I guess I'll get going. As I turn around, I see someone head toward me from down a cave branch I didn't see before. I turn around to face them, only to be attacked! They bit my neck and I reflexively swing my sword at them. They drop dead and I run up to the surface and back home. I dress the wound, which looked like fangs. Probaly a zombie. If it was a zombie, I'll be alright. The only reason I doubted it was a zombie was it tried to bite my neck and it went down with a single swing. I had been in a similar experience 5 months earlier, and the zombie had slowly, unlike today's quick attack, and it tried to just bite me in general. My panicky swings at the zombie had taken three swings. It was probaly just a... evolved zombie. I should ask Kris or Dream about it. I feel pretty tired. I'll ask in the morning.

*Timeskip of 8 hours brought to you by: NadiaIElizabeth (I send you a great day).*

I slept like a rock. Yet somehow I still feel tired. Ring Ring That's probaly Dream or Kris. "(Y/n), how may I help you?"

"Hey, it's Dream. I'm just checking on you to make sure your alright."

"I'm okay. How about you?"

"Pretty good."

"So could you come over?"

"I could. Why?"

"I wanted to talk about something with you and Kris."

"You want me to tell her?"


"Alright, see you later (Y/n)."


*Timeskip of 4 hours brought to you by: Kristen890.*

Knock Knock My two friends are standing at my door. I open the door and let them in. "Hey guys." Kris is the first to speak.

"You look and sound like you pulled two all nighters. Are you alright?" I answer honestly.

"It feels like it. I honestly don't know if I'm alright. I've been feeling tired since 7 this morning-" Dream inturrupts me.

"Since 7?! It's 8! Did you not sleep or something?"

"Hold on. Let me finish. So on my trip back home yesterday, I noticed a torchless cave slightly off the path. I decided to head into it today and I packed only 20 torches because it looked like a small cave. It turned out it was a larger cave than I expected, so I placed my last torch in the branch of the cave I intended on going in next time. But as I did that, I heard what sounded like someone crying. It was just a tape that said lure on it. I thought it was just a mob lure, given the location. As I turned around to leave, I saw someone deeper in the cave so I turned around to ask if they were alright, and then they lunged at me. They bit my neck. I ran home and covered it up." Kris said something first.

"Sounds like a zombie to me." I tell her my thinking.

"Yeah, but it was fast, went for my neck, and left fang marks." Kris, now heading for the door, looks terrified.

"And I'm heading home. It sounds like that was a vampire, and you might be on now too."

"So you think I'm going to attack you?"

"I doubt it, but the black people always die in the horror movies, often after being dragged by their white friend," she glances at Dream,"to go investagate something, typically in somewhere without cell phone service, and either a friend or monster hiding in the dark kills all of them. I also promised my sister we would meet up in the morning, and I don't want to be up until then. You two have a good night!" She walks out the door, closing it behind her. I look at Dream for an explanation of what I just heard, but she has the same expression I had.

"Since when did Kris have a sister?!"

"As long as you've known Kris you never met one of her sisters (Y/n)?"

"Wait one of?"

"Nevermind. I think I know someone who deals with this type of stuff. My brother's a doctor. Problem is his town is 5 days away. If we get horses, we could get there faster."

"Tomorrow. Let's get some sleep." I set up a bed for Dream on the couch, and I head to my bed. I lay in the bed thinking about what Kris said. Am I really a vampire now? I doubt it works that way, but I can't be sure. I manage to fall asleep while thinking.

A/n 1025 words. So, this was going to be longer, but I had to rush to finish it on this lovely Sunday, instead of the intended Saturday because I went to my cousin's sleepover/birthday party. Craziest thing, the nine of us, me, my sister, 6 of my cousins, and a friend of bday cousin, we heard knocking on our room door twice. When we went to answer it the first time, we saw no one out there. The second time, I went with an eight year old cousin, and, same as before, there was no one there. But, as I shut the door, it felt like the door was pulled on the other side. Other than that, we all had fun. Moral of this story? Never have a birthday party/sleepover in a hotel. See you later my bookworms!

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