Chapter 13 | Won't

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"I think I'm okay now. I'll probaly be fine. I don't think I can sleep after that."

"If you're sure you're okay. By the way, have you been feeling strange or anything? Does anything feel different?"

"A few things, why?"

"Well, I don't know, you got bitten in the neck by sharp teeth! Even if you aren't a vampire, being wounded that severly on the neck usually has side effects other than bleeding and a scar."

"I'm fine. I can see further, hear better and smell better, but that's all I've noticed."

"You look in a mirror lately?"

"No, why?"

"One of the things vampires are known for is their long, sharp fangs." She starts to walk over to the other side of the room. She returns with a mirror. "Here, I have a mirror." I look at my teeth in the mirror. I notice my top fang teeth are longer and sharper than I remember.

"Well, based on that, I am a vampire. Fear me!"

"I still don't feel threatened." I roll my eyes.

"Anyhow-" Crash "What was that?!"

"Sounded like something glass broke, meaning someone is in the house."

"You are way too calm about this."

"I'm not calm. I'm freaking out on the insi-"

"There's a person in the house." I whisper-yell.

"Yeah, and staying in the basement isn't a good idea." She raised the sword she had. "I say we get them out."


"By threatening them." I nod, and hear footsteps coming down the stairs. Kris stands in front of me with the sword raised. "Leave or I'll kill you!" Then we hear a familiar voice.

"Well, kill me then." I speak before I think.

"Dream?! Did you stalk us or something?!"

"Somewhat. Well, you nearly killed me, so I thought I should return the favor." She takes out a sword and starts to walk toward us. I grab a sword from beside me. Kris leans toward me and whispers.

"Alright, one of us will distract her and the other will stab her from the behind. By one of us distracting her, I mean you." I nod. Kris runs out the basement, past Dream at the speed of her running for her life. Dream turns to look at her, and almost goes after her, but I rush at her. She blocks my sword with her's. After a few more swings, Dream is stabbed from behind in the stomach. Blood splatters on my face, arms, and clothes.

*Achievement get: Killer's acomplice*
*Achievement get: Killer of my enemy*

Kris grabs my attention by saying something.

"Well she's dead now."

"You're way too calm for having kill someone." She shrugs.

"I have realised the world is full of death. And there's almost a graveyard in the backyard."


"I guess we could bury her there."


"I have shovels down here... somewhere." After looking in a few closets, one containing a skeleton, we find two shovels. We then dig a grave, carry Dream's body to said grave, and covered her with dirt. I, for some weird reason, lick some blood off my hand, and, most likely the same reason, liked the taste. "That is gross."

"No, it actually tastes good."

"Even more gross." I roll my eyes and continue licking the blood off my hands. "Whatever, just be packed before my parents get back." I nod and head inside after her. We pack up and head back to our houses. Kris goes to her's, and I go to mine. When I walk in my door, I notice that outside, there's a letter. I pick it up and open it. It reads:

(Y/n) (L/n), you have been invited to join the killers group called the Creepypastas. Do you accept? Yes/No

I guess I should? I've got nothing to lose. I circle yes, and place the letter back down. I sleep in my bed, as it is almost night and I'm tired.

A/n So, I'm done with this chapter. I should be doing those Christmas break packets, but I'm making a story on Wattpad and watching Criminal Minds XD. I'm bored and I think my only friend I messaged on here is leaving and "out grew" me. I am currently in need of friends.

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