Chapter 6 | Who Can You Trust?

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It was morning. I sat up, confused, looking for Dream. She was here, but left based on the fact the makeshift bed was still there. There was also no sign of Piper, no blood or open first aid kit. All I remember was putting a bandage on his leg and him sleeping on my other couch. Maybe it was just a dream. (Travel back, down that road. When you come back, no one knows. I opened my eyes, and it was only just a dream.) I hear a knock on the door. As I head to open it, I see it's Kristen. "Hey, (Y/n)! I bought you sunscreen in case you're actually a vampire. Heard that vampires are allergic to the sun and sunscreen works. It's also gonna be a hot summer, so, vampire or not, you'll need it. Where's Dream?"

"I don't know. She left before I woke up. She might be trying to buy horses. We were going to go see her brother."

"That will be a trip you will regret. It will be long and boring. Anyhow, I found this deep cave. I'll be back to ask if you want to come with me. See you later!"


"It's not 'bye', it's 'see you later' because we'll see each other again."

"See you later Kris."

"See ya!" I close my door and sit on my couch. That's odd, Kris usually doesn't come over here like that. Then again, maybe she wanted to talk to Dream a bit. They have been talking less lately. I know Kris didn't start the issue. She loves to talk to everyone, even her enimies, maybe even too much. I wonder why they haven't been talking.

Kris has been my best friend since, at least, fifth grade. We're 22 now. (I wish I was that old.) Although we live far away from each other, we try to keep in contact. I sleep over at her house when I'm down, and vice versa. She is very joking, once she threw a barrel at a manikin and yelled "All these are things youtubers have taught me to be afraid of. And for good reason."

Dream is a good friend of mine. I'm not as close to her as Kris, but we're still pretty close. We see each other often, as I go into the village to trade and all. Usually, I don't even talk to her when I'm down. She is extremely serious, a complete contrast to Kris.

I'll go check on Dream. She left before I got up.

*1 hour timeskip brought to you by: Noble_blue. A good day to you.*

As I arrive at Dream's house, I see blood. I draw my sword and run in. I see Dream and Kris, both covered in cuts.

"(Y/n)! Help, Dream's crazy. She tried to kill me! She said she was going to kill you too!"

"No, Kristen tried to kill me! She said she was going to kill you after showing my head to you!" Someone tried to kill someone and my sword has one swing left. If I don't kill the murderer, then me and my true friend die. Problem is, who is the killer? Is Kris using our life long friendship against me, or was Dream going to kill me this entire time? *Game has saved*

A/n Who do you think it is? Kris or Dream? Comment what you think. I'm thinking about making more choices, so comment what you think of that too! Later my bookworms!

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