Chapter 24

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This describes what Jax said to Bailey and it's just so amazing!


      It has been a weeks since my confession session with Jax...and it's been a week since he's talked to me or even looked at me...and came to school,it's like he's disappeared off of the face of the Earth,I'm pretty sure he's ignoring me. Who would do that? I mean seriously,you confess you fucking past and then the person you confessed it to has disappeared and you don't know where the hell they are and you're breaking because you can't see them...yeah that's me,I'm breaking,I need to talk to Jax just to hear his voice and see if he's alright,he said he wouldn't leave me...what happened to that Jax? I'm actually missing him,I didn't know a confession and a kiss could make me miss him,I'm not even dating the dude! What the hell is the matter with me?! I shook my head as the sun began to peel up over the horizon,yeah I stayed up all night thinking about Jax and how he just left without telling me,it hurts...a lot. I haven't slept all that well since he's disappeared and I've been getting into detention a lot more since he's left and didn't tell anyone,I've asked my other friends and they've said that they didn't hear from him either,which fucking sucks.

        My mom came home last week and she's been noticing that I haven't been myself too but she hasn't said anything about it...because you know why? She doesn't fucking care! Some mother she is. Why the hell did you leave Jax? You said you wouldn't,you said I was stuck with you...was that a fucking lie? I always trust the guys that can break your heart easy,it's shit...I always think that they're good but then they never turn out to be good. Well,fuck me I guess. I shook my head as I looked around my room and my alarm went off,ugh! I am not going to school today,hopefully my mom will think I left early,like really early or slept over at a friends house because I didn't see my mom yesterday at fact I didn't hear my mom come in last night,maybe work needed her? Who knows,but I don't care...I'm not going to school today and that's final,I need sleep anyways so...yeah.

      I just can't believe that Jax left the day after he said that! Who does that?! This is fucking stupid,am I just waiting around for him to come back? I think not!! I just don't feel like going to school today,it would suck...a lot. I rolled over and stared out the window and sighed and pulled the covers over my head and fell asleep.

      I woke up and checked my phone and there were several messages from my friends. Ugh!! What time is it? 4:49. Great,well at least I slept,right? Wrong,I had a dream about Jax,he moved away without so much as a goodbye,it was heartbreaking and I hated it,I wish I had control over my dreams,but I don't. I checked my messages and went to Gwen first.

     Gwen:WHERE THE HELL R U?! U SKIPPED SCHOOL?! I was worried as hell,don't u ever fucking do that again,txt me next time if ur going to do that so I won't b worried,God...unbelievable. We don't need another AWOL friend.

    Me:sorry,I was really tired,I haven't had much sleep lately and I didn't feel like going to school

     Gwen:it's ok,just txt me next time,ok?

    Me:yeah,I promise

   Gwen:ok get some sleep if ur tired

  Me:ok,thx have fun

  Gwen:u 2

     I checked my other messages and saw they were from Brady and Kay and answered them and clicked my phone off,hiding under the covers again. Ping!! I wonder who that is? I moved my covers off of my face and picked my phone up and clicked it back on and dropped my phone when I saw dickhead pop up as a message...huh,so now he decides to text me,the asshole.

   Dickhead: hey I'm sorry that I haven't been around lately,I couldn't face u after what happened so I skipped school all week...well except for today and I weren't there,sadly,I wish u were here today so I could tell u y I wasn't there but ig I told u now. I'm sorry princess,I thought it would be awkward so I avoided u,I'm sorry...again.plz forgive me??

   Me:u just left and I did t know what to do,u didn't txt me or anything...u didn't even tell our friends where u were,I needed u,ur help. I'm forgiving u but it doesn't mean I'll forget it.

  Dickhead: ok,I'll accept that,and I'm sorry again. I hope ur ok

   Me:not really,u weren't here to help me through anything and I wasn't going to tell Gwen and Kay because I'm not ready just yet,plz don't tell anyone

   Dickhead:I promise I won't

    Me:u also promised that u wouldn't leave me and I was stuck with u,what happened to that?

    Dickhead:ah shit! I forgot about that! I'm sorry again,my head hasn't been in the game since that day

   Me:don't do that again! U scared the shit out of me! I was scared something happened to u!

    Dickhead:awww does the bar girl care about wittle ol me?

  Me:don't flatter urself,I'm going back to sleep,goodnight,lover boy

   Dickhead: goodnight,princess

      I clicked my phone off and rolled over,setting my phone on my side table and closed my eyes,now I can go to sleep.

     Hello my pretty little readers! Sorry this was a short chapter! I hope u enjoyed this chapter,remember to vote comment and share! Love ya!

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