Chapter 39

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My heart!


I watched as the ambulance drove away while we were in the car, driving silently to the hospital. I stared out the window and watched the trees pass by in a blur and remembered they wouldn't allow me in the hospital without a shirt on, shit, I looked in the back seat and found a t-shirt if mine in the seat and grabbed it, slipping it on over my head. My mom sped up as the a,balance raced to the emergency place and the doors flung open, mom quickly parked the car as I unbuckled and jumped out, running into the hospital and tried to go after them but a nurse stopped me but placing a hand on my chest. No! I need to see her! I watched as bai,he disappeared into a room and sighed just as mom came rushing in with Brady, Gwen, and Kay.

"She's already in the ER. We'll have to wait." I looked down at he ground as Brady hugged me tightly and then Gwen and Kay came up to us, wrapping their shirt arms around us tightly.

"I'm sorry man, she'll be better soon. Let's go sit down." Brady said as he squeezed me one more time before they all let go and we made our way to the waiting room. Once I sat down I was up again, I can't sit down...I'm too restless and just knowing she's in another room is killing me because I can't see her or even share the same air as her, I need to see her and be with her. I can't let anything like that ever happen to her again, I need to be with her constantly and I don't want to leave her out of my site...I know I'll never be good I I don't see her or k is she's okay.

Does her mom even know? I bet she doesn't or even cares...

I began to pace back and forth, running my hands through my hair as I kept pacing...I need to see her it's killing me not knowing what's happening to my princess.

"Honey, please sit's going to be alright. Just sit down and rest and if she wakes up then I'll wake you up so we can go see her. Please?" Mom pleased as I kept pacing, I looked at her eyes and looked away because I could never look my mom in the eyes when she's been crying, it's like watching a wounded puppy.

"I can't,'s killing me not knowing what's happening to her, mom I can't loose her. Bailey's my world, I will do anything for her and I know I failed her when she got kidnapped...I failed her mom, I can't let that happen again, I've failed my world and I don't want to again. I can't stop moving because I need to see her and know she's going to be okay...I can't stop." I wiped my eyes as I looked at her and saw sympathy in her eyes.

"I know, sweetie. Okay, well then I'm going to go and get you all some food...I'll be back." Mom kissed my cheek as she left, leaving the four of us sitting in silence, hearing keyboards being used and clicking and the echo of wheels on the floor...I'm going to go insane. I kept pacing as everyone watched me, their eyes never leaving my moving body, never speaking until Gwen broke the silence.

"We all know she's going to be alright, she's a strong girl and won't give up on us...she's a fighter. When she's set her mind on something she won't change it, let's be positive about this guys, she'll make it and then our lives will be changed but in a good way. We all love her and we won't give up on her, just think positive thoughts about this and wait to see when she wakes up." Gwen looked at all of us which caused me to stop pacing and look at Brady who gave me a small smile and nod. I let out a heavy sigh as I rubbed my face and flopped down in a chair across from Brady and the girls.

"Thanks Gwen, I needed that." I slumped down in the seat, resting my head on the back of the chair and Gwen smiled.

"You're welcome." I closed my eyes as I was engulfed in silence.

     By the time I woke up, my mom was waking me up so I could eat my food. I rubbed my eyes and saw everyone eating sausage biscuits and hash browns and drinking orange juice from McDonald's. I smiled as I grabbed my food and drink and began eating as everyone whispered, talking about when Bailey was going to wake up, I quickly finished my food and checked the time, 7:53 am, great. I put my phone up and stood up, stretching and walking around the room and that's when the nurse came in.

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