Chapter 26

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My heart!😏


     "Will you go out with me?" Jax asked me with a grin on his face,what? His words rang through my head but it's like I couldn't process them,what do I do? I mean I like him but do I really want to date him? Yes. I smiled as I stared at him.

      "I would love to." I answered which made him smile and kiss my nose as he guided me to my bike.

"Okay,we're going to my house so let's go." Jax hopped on his bike and clipped his helmet on and started her up as I got on my baby and put my helmet on and starting my baby up and following Jax to his house as I heard two cars behind me. We pulled into Jax's driveway and turned our engines off and followed Jax into his house. I plopped down on his couch as Brady shut the door and Jax sat down next to me,his arm wrapping around me and Gwen sat on Brady's lap while Kay sat on the floor in front of the tv.

"So,I take it that you two are a thing now?" Brady asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Yeah,how'd you know?" I asked as I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Jax told me he was going to ask you today." Jax glared at him as Brady grinned at him.

"Shut the hell up,Brady. Now what do you guys want to do?" Jax asked looking at everyone.

"Bro,you're the one who invited us here,you should be the one who's coming up with things to do." Brady said as Jax threw a pillow at his face,but hitting Gwen.

"What the fuck is the matter with you? You hit my girlfriend!" Brady picked Gwen up and set her beside him as he stood and so did Jax.

"I was meaning to hit you,dumbass!" Jax put Brady in a head lock as they began to play fight,jeez...boys. I rolled my eyes as Kay sat next to me and the girls watched with amusement.

"We need to get you a boyfriend." I whispered to Kay who giggled and nodded as Gwen cane and sat next to us.

"I agree." Gwen nodded as I looked at her.

"How'd you hear me? I was whispering." I furrowed my eyebrows as she smiled.

"You're not the quietest whisperer,you're a really loud suck at whispering." Gwen said as Kay nodded while I rolled my eyes.

"I would say I'm a pretty good whisperer,better than you." I grinned as her mouth dropped.

"I'm offended,I'm really good...unlike someone." Gwen looked at Kay who gasped.

"I don't k is who you think you are but I'm better than both of you,what're you talking about?" Kay shook her head which made me and Gwen burst out laughing.

"What're you girls laughing about?" Jax asked once he let go of Brady. We all looked at each other as we kept laughing.

"Nothing." We all said in unison,still laughing.

"Surrrrrrre." The boys said together as they rolled their eyes and went into the kitchen. We wiped our eyes and stood up,going into the kitchen where we found the boys grabbing snacks and drinks.

"We should celebrate." Brady said to Jax who smirked and nodded.

"Yeah,we should Brady. What should we do?" Jax asked as they both grinned at each other and looked at us with devilish grins.

"What're you guys talking about?" I asked as they looked at one another and back at us.

"Grab her." Jax said as Brady ran towards Gwen and Kay,picking them both up as Jax grabbed me and picking me up,making me scream as they walked outside while Gwen,Kay,and I squirmed and screamed and hit the boys,trying to make them put us down but they wouldn't let us down. The boys walked towards Jax's pool making us scream even louder as they got closer until they got there and looked at each other and grinned and dropped us in but I had a hold on Jax so I brought him with me and we both plunged into the pool water while Brady was still dry. I surfaced and began laughing as Jax came up and glared at me until he came towards me so I began to run but he caught me,wrapping his arms around my waist and spinning around,which made me squeal and scream.

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