Chapter Two.

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Katie's POV~

I ended up losing the fight with the blonde as I was too busy thinking about that mysterious boy from the McCanns. I can't tell anyone about this or my father will end up making me move country never to be seen again just to be kept away from the McCanns, it's stupid really, he wouldn't have had any interest in a girl like me anyway. I've never had any interest in a boy before so what makes him so special? Why has he been popping into my mind a lot for this past year? Does he ever think about the eye contact we had? Would he think I'm pretty?

Just as I was about to try and answer all the crazy questions going through my mind, my phone started ringing making me snap out of my thoughts, I picked it up without looking at the caller ID. "Katie it's your dad. I need you, your brother and the rest of the main gang to come to the main wear house in an hour, I've got some important news" my dad put on his serious business voice so I could tell this wasn't a joke or false alarm to check everyone can follow orders. "Yes daddy" I sweetly said just to keep on his good side "see you in an hour angel, love you" he chuckled, " I love you to daddy" and with that he hung up.

I thought it would be best to tell Tyler now before I got ready as the last time I done that It ended in a huge argument. I sprinted out of my room down the stairs into the front room, I scanned the room and listened to see if I could hear him, I heard a groan come from the gym, my head snapped that way and I began running down to the gym, I skidded in almost falling flat on my face, to see Tyler still practicing.

"daddy wants us all at the main wear house in an hour with the rest of the girls" I joked

Tyler gave me a confused look and shrugged it off, he ignored what I said and continued with the Match he was in the middle of. I sighed "go get ready then tyy" I breathlessly said trying to catch my breath in between each word, he nodded and smiled jumping down from the ring "until next time Derek" he chuckled. As he was walking past me, he messed my hair up as if I was a 5 year old. I slapped his hand off scrunching my face up fixing my hair, he chuckled and walked off to his room.

I started walking out of the enormous gym to go get ready when I heard my name being yelled, I turned to face a sweaty looking jake who was approaching me. "Hey um Katie do you want to get in the car with me on the way to the wear house, I've been wanting to talk to you anyway.." He quietly said, i stood there looking at how hopeful he was that I would say yes so I mumbled "sure I'll meet you down here in 10" I smiled walking off, I heard him sigh in relief which bought a smirk to my face. Oh he could be a fun toy to play with.

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