Chapter 17.

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This is a long ass chapter btw!

No ones POV:

While katie and jason are in opposite rooms gearing up gangs from all around the world gathering for the annual fight. Nervous they both are. Not just for the fight but for seeing eachother again. Neither of them want to hurt eachother. They have no choice. It's their future which depends on this.

Jason's pov;

After an hour of gearing up and warming up I get called out into the meeting room. As I walk in my eyes instantly meet Katie's. She gave me a weak smile while I took a seat.

A man whom I assume is the referee came in and sat inbetween us.

"So this is to run over the rules." We nod showing we are listening. "No weapons, no drugs, no stupid surprises, you cannot take part if you are pregnant or disabled." We both agree.

"Sign these papers to show you agree and understand there is risk of death, now going into detail on how it works."

He did continue talking but to be completely honest I wasn't paying attention to what he was saying.

My mind was concentrating on just one thing. Katie.

What if I hurt her in the fight and she hates me forever? Or what if I'm too soft on her and she beats me? That will not only ruin my reputation but also the whole of my gang.

It will make me look like a sissy.
I'm so not ready for this. But I can't believe she didn't tell me she is in a gang.

To be fair you didn't tell her either jason.

"Shut up" I whispered to myself.

"Excuse me sir?" The referee looked at me and I looked at katie.

She looks like she's about to burst out laughing.

"Uh sorry I meant when are we starting?" I smiled trying to be polite.

"Both of you sign here and here shake hands and meet me downstairs in 10. Wait for the announcement." He spat and got up and left.

"You pissed our reff off" she giggled.

I smiled at her giggle. She is so god damn cute!

"I was deep in my thoughts" I chuckled while scratching the back of my neck.

We both signed the papers and shook hands like he ordered.

"Sooo.." I said awkwardly while scratching the back of my neck.

Katie's POV;

"Sooo.." He said awkwardly while scratching the back of his neck.

"Sooo.." I said awkwardly back.

"I hope this doesn't effect our friendship" he said but it came out more like a question.

"It won't. I promise" i reassured him.

'All participants report down to the arena now. That's all participants report down to the arena now..' The announcer boomed through the speakers.

"Wow. Uh I guess it's time to go" I whispered.

"This is really happening aye." He frowned.

"Sure is." I got up out of my chair and opened the door.

"Hey katie?" His husky voice making me shiver

"Yeah?" I turn around smiling at him.

"Business only?" He asked hopefully.

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