Chapter 25.

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Jason's pov;

I decided to try and get into Katie's good books and make her happy. So I set my alarm for 6am.

Meant for a quick 5minute shower and got dressed. I added on aftershave, the one she likes best on me and jogged downstairs.

Being already happy I started humming to myself and dancing about while collecting the ingredients to make her favourite breakfast.

Chocolate chip Pancakes with strawberrys on the side and a choca mocha drink.

Once I had finished I looked at the time and it was 7.26am

Usually the time she starts to wake up.

I put my masterpiece on the tray and start slowly walking upstairs so I don't fall or ruin anything.

I smile at how perfect things are starting to go.

I open her door and push it open with my bum and walk in.

I looked over and she was already awake and smiled at me in awe when she saw me.

I walked over and sat on the other side of the bed. "I made you breakfast sweetheart." I smiled while handing it over to her.

"Aww thanks jase! That's so sweet!" She cooed.

I heard a male cough in her bathroom causing me to frown and her eyes widened.

"W-who's that katie." I spat.

"jase it really isn't what it looks like so calm down." She said while patting my arm.

I look down at her hand in disgust and stood up to approach the bathroom to find out who it was.

Nick was there brushing his teeth.

"What the fuck is he doing here?!" I spat.

My bathroom was dirty after soaked clothes and mud from yesterday so I asked to use hers, I knew she would let me use hers it's no biggie."he shrugged.

I pounced over to him and grabbed him by the throat. "One. More. And your gone. For good. Am I clear?" I growled.

He managed to choke out a "yes."

Katie threw the tray of food and drink at me and I dodged it.

"Fuck you mccan. I'm going home with my brother today. I'm never coming back!" She screamed at me.

"I made this room just for you in a matter of hours. To please you. I risked my men's life to get you. To please you. I made you breakfast to try see a smile on your face. To please you. Everything I do is to please you and this is how you repay me!" I screamed back.

At this point Nick was on the floor catching his breath and both Ariana and Harry ran in at the same time o see what's going on.

Katie burst out laughing and said "wow only known eachother for a night and couldn't even hold back for that long. Nice one Ariana" katie winked.

They both went incandescent with embarrassment and walked back into their bedroom.


Vote for another chapter soon. I might stop this story and carry on with the others.

Vote and comment please.

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