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Coming soon!

I anticipate that this will be available sometime in March and updates will be regular from then.

Until then you should probably read 'Lonely and Tired', 'Hope Begins to Fade', 'Missing You Again' and 'Someone to Hold' in that order. Or not, this isn't a dictatorship. 

Welcome back if you've already read those! Sorry to make you wait but you know what they say? Good things come to those who wait. And I want to make this good for you because this is going to be the last in this series. Not that it was ever intended to be a series but once I started I found I couldn't stop because these stories kind of took over my life and now my other original characters and stories are languishing in a dusty USB drive.

This is going to be a little different to the other stories in the series, not too much, but I had an idea and it fits with these characters and their lives so I'll be working with that.

As always - do I need to say it again? - I have no association with Avenged Sevenfold or their body of work. Their work is all their's and mine is all mine. I like their music and I like their look but my knowledge of them is based upon what my friend Google and some stalking of their website can tell me. If I've got it wrong, so be it. I have no idea of what they are like in real life but damn I wish they were like this!

Once again thanks for reading my work. It means a lot. And for those of you who vote and comment regularly thanks for your support. 

@JodiVengeance6661 @0nothingxtoxsay0 @hellsentme @sea-stars-serenity @SynGaytes6661 @EmilieAlyosha @KumoriKarasu @hyacinthbucko @starsareglitter @Meowmrowr @theamxzingbeebo @batc0untry  And to everyone else who follows me or has voted on the other stories in this series I apologise because I can't put all your names on my list, I grabbed the names that stood out in my notifications or messages.  

This one is for you!

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