Need You to Know

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Zacky brushed his hand over Sloane's downy head. Her ruffled bottom filled his palm as the ribbons on her tiny tank top tickled his bare chest. She squirmed and cooed at him as he flicked his damp hair out of his eyes. Father and daughter had just taken a shower together and Zacky had quickly shoved on a pair shorts before applying himself to the task of dressing Sloane in one of the seemingly thousands of adorable outfits in her closet. He had a suspicion that pink ruffled garments were breeding in there. It was the only explanation, particularly when Zacky was almost certain that neither he nor Kelly had actually purchased even one pink item for their daughter. It seemed that every time one of his friends stepped through his front door when it came time for them to depart they left behind an infant sized garment in some variation of pink. Not to mention the way Barbie's favourite colour exploded from gift bags every time he saw his mother. He didn't want to buy into gender stereotypes with his daughter but damn he couldn't deny that he loved the way pink outfits made it abundantly clear to all and sundry that his baby was a girl.

He returned her toothless grin with one of his own and murmured nonsensical words of endearment to her as she made a grab for his lower lip. Since their bombshell discovery that Jimmy was Laine's father Zacky's urge to hold his own daughter tight and never let her out of his sight had become almost obsessive.

"Holy DILF alert Batman," Kelly purred from the doorway. "I swear just looking at you holding her like that is enough to knock me up again." Zacky noted with satisfaction the diamond that glinted on her finger as she fanned herself. At least now he could call her his fiancée and he hoped it wouldn't be long until he could complete the upgrade to wife.

"Just say the word and I'll give you another one."

"Holy shit! You're serious!" Kelly gasped.

"As a heart attack," Zacky agreed bouncing up and down on the spot in an attempt to calm the baby who was squealing at the sight of her mother. He sighed and handed her over. He couldn't compete with Kelly's tits when it came to Sloane's affection.

Kelly kissed a now giggling Sloane's chubby cheek as she said, "How about we give my vag a chance to recover before we try for another okay Big Daddy?"

Zacky gasped and pressed his hands over Sloane's tiny ears, she gave him a surprisingly potent glare and tried to shake off his hands. "Not around the baby!" he hissed.

Kelly gave him a healthy dose of side-eye and said, "Don't be a prude Zack. After all it's a simple biological fact that boys have a penis and girls have a vagina."

"Did you just quote Kindergarten Cop at me?" he asked her incredulous.

She smirked at him as she replied, "It was quite pertinent to the conversation, no?"

He was still laughing as she sighed and sat down in the armchair in the corner of their bedroom. "There you go greedy girl," she said baring her breast to allow Sloane, who'd been rooting around like a truffle pig, to latch on. "Dinner is served."

Zacky flopped down on the edge of the bed content to watch his girls. He felt privileged to witness the intimate moment between mother and child and once again his thoughts turned to everything that Jimmy had missed out on with Elliot and Laine. Leaning forward, elbows resting on his knees, he dropped his gaze to his loosely clasped hands.

"What's up honey? You look sad." He raised his eyes at Kelly's soft question to find her watching him as gently held their daughter to her breast.

"Just thinking how Jimmy missed out on this." He raised a futile hand in her direction.

"It's not your fault you know," she told him, gentle, but matter of fact.

"I never thought it was but I'm sad for him that he missed his one shot at this. Sure none of us were thinking of kids back then, hell we weren't even thinking of thinking of them, but Elliot was out there doing this without him. I don't know what he would have felt or how he would have dealt with it but it was his chance. And considering what happened..." Zacky's voice broke and he pressed his palms to his face. There was a rustle of fabric and then the soft warmth of Kelly's body was pressed up against his side. The only sound in the room was Sloane's soft sounds of satisfaction as she suckled.

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