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I stood there looking at the full moon, in the dark where hunters are following me nothing can help me now, I'm the moons victim again, now I have to deal with my wolf instinct attack,kill eat.
"STACIE CONTROL IT!!" I could here Laura screaming in the distance. But nothing could stop the fight now, it was coming I could see it
"Laura a fight it's coming here to bank hills we haft to stop it"I puffed, then I realised if I had never come to bank hills in the first place this would have never happened.

"Laura, Please let me go I must fight!!" I scramble to say as I fight against Laura.
"No Stacie your hurt, I'm taking you back to bank hills and maybe Amber can heal you with her powers." Laura said calmly, so I gave up on fighting her she's to strong. She is a goddess after all. I can't fight while I'm hurt I get it. But now I realise it would be better if I just packed up and went back home to were city, and never came back......

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