Chapter 11

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Everyone ran in, as I looked over the side of my bed to watch them lift Keith up and put him on a bed, Coran held me back I kept fighting then he stuck some thing in my arm. I squealed, in pain then fell asleep.

"Keith." I said as I sat up.
"He's fine." A dude with a pointy chin said. I looked over and saw that his arm was bandaged up, but I wasn't sure about his leg, I looked down at the sheets that were sitting where he was shot and saw no blood and sighed. He wasn't bleeding anymore I hoped.
"My name in Lance by the way." The boy said
"And this is Pidge," lance said pointing to a short girl, "this is Hunk" he then again pointed to a tall person who looked like he just wanted to go to the kitchen and eat, "This is Allura" then he pointed to someone with beautiful long silver hair, "this is Coran" he pointed to the person who looked after me, "This is Shiro" Then he pointed to a guy with a robotic arm, "and of course you've met Keith" he waved his hand over at the bed next to me where Keith was resting. I looked over at him and sighed,
"Where are my friends," I asked wondering if they were searching for me right now. Lance made a movement to Hunk and Shiro,
"Put me down you robotic lunatic do you know who I am???" I could hear Alex screaming, I look over to the door as I see Shiro pulling her by her arms. Shiro shoved Alex over to my bed.
"Hello Queen Alex." I say
"That's more like it." She replies as she turns her head to stare at Shiro. I tell her what happened and she laughs saying that Keith the legendary black paliden couldn't have been shot twice. I move back and wave my hand over to the bed next to me where Keith is laying down unconscious with a mask flooding in oxygen into his body is strapped to his mouth. Alex stands up walks to her bag where her headphones are puts them around her neck, then asks were the bathroom is when they tell her she walks to where it is after like five seconds I hear her scream, I jump out of bed and run, (well limp) once I get to the bathroom I see her collapsed on the floor with a pile of blood surrounding her.
"Take her to a bed, let me know if she's dead, if not I need to find the one who hurt her."

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