Chapter 17

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We landed with a crash, some went unconscious others just fell on their buts. But me neither of that happened to me. According to Luna, my head hit one of our many boxes when we fell through the portal, causing me to pass out. So then when I woke up Luna was making sure that I was ok by helping me up.
"I'll go out and look for food with Luna. But I'll take the first aid kit just in case." I said grabbing the big kit and my bum bag stuffing it with a little knife and a canteen. And without further ado walked out into the hot desert sun.

"We've walked for hours." Luna complained. I rolled my eyes.
"Shut up its a desert after all." I said. I checked my watch about five times before realising. There's no reception.
"Dangit!!!!" I yelled kicking a rock not realising hat it hit a snake until we heard a slithering sound when we were walking back to the house. That's when I made the mistake of looking back. I saw a snake. It was moving fast. Like I couldn't tell how but it was a coming. I stood there turning my arms to block my face.
"Owwwww." I moaned grasping my ankle, as I watched the snake slither away. Luna raced over. I lifted my hands up to reveal two perfect bite marks.

"Backup we need backup, over." Luna said into the walkie talkie we brought with us in case. As she wrapped the bandage tightly around my ankle to stop the poison from spreading I saw out of the corner of my eye, Keith and Lance running towards us. With a stretcher. As they set it down and lifted me on it. I started to see stars.
"She's turning blue!!!!" Keith yelled.
"Hurry then!!!!" Luna shouted. We ran to the house in the distance, me not knowing this is when I finally get my powers....

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