Chapter 6

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"What!!!! HOW!!!!" I screamed.
"Stacie calm down, and the reason you guys are related is because the hooded figure is your father!" Lizzie explained to me.
"That doesn't calm me down Lizzie it makes me wonder why he was trying to kill Luna then me!!!! His own daughter!!!! It doesn't make sense!!!!!"

"I have a headache" I moaned to Lizzie and Rose. They told me it would be fine and because I was free to go we walked into the hallway and then I bumped into a super cute guy.
"Oops sorry!" I said to him as I got up from the floor.
"It's ok" he said " by the way my name is Keith" he said we said by and walked in the opposite direction,
"Someone has a crush." I blushed
"Well he is kinda cute." I said to my friends facing away from them so they didn't see me blushing.
We went to the front desk checked me out, then went to go get ice cream.
Then we started talking about random things like Lizzie being pregnant with quadruplets.
"OMG when did this happen!!!!!"
I said.
"Calm down, plus it happened three weeks ago, which is when I basically figured it out."she said, then me and Rose cuddled Lizzie, when we heard someone say,
I turned around.
"Dad, where have you been!!!" I said to him as I threw myself into his arms. We hugged then I saw Lizzie and Rose go wide eyed then cry and run behind me and that's when I saw their parents cuddling them.
"I thought you guys were in the hooded society" I said
"Well it turns out that there was a curse on us as soon as we put on the hoods they gave us, and we broke it with a special curse that we have kept for special occasions." Lizzie's mum said
"Cool!" Rose said tears were streaming down her face. That's when we heard a scream coming from Starbucks, we looked over and saw the whole hooded figure society coming out and harassing people for fear we had to do some thing  but what.
Then all of a sudden stars came flying out of the shadows and into our hands.
Then a random thing that looked like a dragon appeared in our hands.
"I think that the star attaches to the dragons mouth." Rose said. Then we attached the star to the dragons mouth and said
"Dragon fury unleash!!!" Than we saw a bright light and when it cleared we were Dragon Rangers.

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