Chapter 2 - Begin

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I am waking up, my eyes observing the ceiling, it's still dark, what time is it? I am slowly lifting up my body to sit. "Urghh" it's hurts, my legs are hurts, my back my arms my neck, every part of my body aches.

I put my hands covering my face, I remember last night, I am confused of why did I ask the commander that question, since when do I care enough to speak or even think about speaking my mind off.

Well, I guess I should have just forgotten about it. It tickles my pride to remember my unnecessary demeanor.


I am standing in front of the Corps medical ward, should I get in? Do I have time to?.

"Miss (L/N)" Commander Erwin suddenly comes and calls my name while opening the door. "

Yes sir" I salute him. Wait. What? Miss? What does he mean miss? I squint my eyes describing a big question mark on my face.

But he ignores it, seems more he does not realize of what just he called me with.

"What are you doing here, aren't you coming in?" He is leaving me and coming in. I enter the room and I could not believe my eyes.

The survivors are here. I do not dare to look anywhere though I still could hear the painful groans.

I stick my eyes to the commander's back. Look firm like wicked large wall. I think. I follow him until we arrive to another room.

A doctor greets him "Commander Erwin... and this?" They both look at me "Oh, I wish to get a check-up" I quickly answer. "Very well, you could wait there, just sit on the bed" the doctor points at one of medical beds.

I take a look at the commander, I do not know why, I just wanted to. And he just looks at me for a second then get back to the doctor showing he does not care whatever business I am going to do here.

I feel disapponted, not much just a bit. what exactly am I expecting right now? what is this? I walk to the bed and sit there waiting.

I see them leaving the room. I see the commander looks at me before he closes the door.

My heart skips a beat.

After a while, a lady dress in white comes to me, She is a doctor too. "It's very early you come dear" She gives me a sweet smile and I smile back. "So what happen?" She asks.

I give a minute of explanation of the pain I have been feeling since the attack. She takes a look at my body, she asked me to unbutton my shirt.

And I point my glaze to the door, she understands and says "Don't worry, no one is going to come here" while she moves the curtains to cover us.

I undress myself, I am shock and so she is. Her warmness turns into cold aura, she gives me a cold stare yet concerned expression.

"How?! How do you...?" She asks with a strong accentuation but soft voice.

Believe me maam, I don't even know I have scary green purple and black bruises all over my body. I do remember felling from the roof and hitting the wall but I do not remember I hurt myself this bad.

She askes me again "What divisions are you? I do not see any badges on your uniform",

"Survey corps. I am going to receive them today"

We both could here somebody chattering outside the door. It's the commander.

"Right in time" the doctor stands up just before the commander and the male doctor come in.

Female doctor: "Commander Erwin, do you have a minute?"

The male doctor then excuses himself leaving us three in the room. She leaves the curtain open a little wider, I could see her and commander Erwin.

I pull up the white blanket covering me up to my head like covering a dead body.

How could she leaves the curtain like that I do not wear anything but my underclothes. I feel so uncomfortable and surprisingly nervous right now. Oh just why?

Erwin steals a sight of (Y/N), He looks disturbed and walking towards (Y/N) bed until the doctor chuckles and says "She is fine, she is not dead but a little shy".

I feel a sudden hot in my cheeks and breathe. Ofcourse I am shy what do you expect a person to feel in this situation, you do not need to point that.

The doctor then talks again in more serious manner, I could hear her voice turns into a serious warning.

"She is broken, I suppose she has a few fractures and trauma in her body. I am amazed she could walk in here by herself. In short, she needs a break for at least two weeks or she could suddenly be gone"

She is being serious but yet sounds not too worried but I do not believe she speaks about it to the commander, she should have discussed it with me first. and How would she know? She did not really do anything actually.

I take a peek, lowering the blanket under my eyes. I bet my expression is angry now, I do not comprehend her suggestion to leave me doing nothing for two weeks.

I meet the commander Erwin's eyes, his face is expressionless but critical. "Very well, Two weeks it is" he speaks without diverting his eyes away from me.

"You hear the commander, I guess I'll leave for now, I will come back in an hour" the doctor innocently instruct me then leave the room.

Where are you going?? Do not leave me alone with him. No!!

"May I come in?" He asks me as he is coming closer to the side of my bed disregarding his own proposition. "I will inform the squad leader of your delay. As for now, do not think about anything but focus on your recovery" .

I only nod while holding the blanket up to half of my nose.

He then excuses himself "I wish you quick recovery (L/N), have a good rest". "T-h-a-n-k you, sir" I reply softly. Does he realize now? He does not call me with miss anymore?

I guess she has a soft spot in herself in other words, cute.

Kind of relief as she shows a different vibe today.

A little bit funny I might say when she covered her face like that. I almost think that she is the female version of Levi in a way, bitter yet caring.

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