Chapter 7 - Red on White

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Time Skipped
7.00 am

I ended up staying awake until the sun rising up. I need to get myself together. There is no time to think about what happened.

I rub my face harder and give it a light slap. Uuurgh. I'm forcing myself to stand up. I really need to get ready and join captain Hange squad.

It feels heavy to even lift my feet. I am so frustrated.

But finally, I could tie the last lace on my shoe. My eyes stick to my worn-out heels. I could feel the warmth inside and see the sunlight reflection on it. a new pair will do. I mumble.

I am walking to Hange office with muddled mind and I start loosing control again.

I can't remove the picture of him pushing his body onto me as soon as I closed the door last night. It was too sudden.

And I made it all became awkward when I just petrified and held my breath like a scared little puppy.

I still can't help it but covering my face with both hands. I regretted it. I wasn't ready for anything like that. Even now I'm not ready.

I know I like him maybe, fell in love? Or just a crazy thought that I could be with a Commander?

I was the one who asked for a kiss but never occurred a slight thought that being that close to him is going to be so scary. What am I?

Last night, I could see his disappointment in his eyes. I was startled and could not say and do anything.

In the end...
Commander Erwin "I'm sorry"

I let him walk out of my room just like that.


"Ouchh" I bump to Nifa, one of Hange Squad members, she was stopping as she was giving salute to someone.

I don't rub where it hurts so I could hold on to my pride, then I realise Commander Erwin is standing in front of me.

I was also going to give him my salute but he just gives me a quick glance and walks away.

What?? Why? Is he really mad at me?

I then follow Nifa to Hange office, unconsciously biting my thumbnail. And I almost bump to her back again. But, I halt my feet real quick and be in ready position.

As we enter the room, I could see and hear captain Hange and captain Levi were debating at something.

Well, with Levi still maintaining his cool, but they stopped right away after they see me.

"Aaah!! (F/N!)" captain Hange welcomes me with a big smile. "Guys, no need to assemble, just gear up and let's go!" She commands.

I see captain Levi leaving the room and giving me a very dark stare while he passing me by.

But I don't care because I have many questions in my head, Go where? What am I suppose to do? I never talked to captain Hange, what should I say?

And suddenly, "are you ready?" She asks me. "Yes, Captain!" and captain Hange laughs "Hahaha, just call me Hange and don't be so stiff, we are buddy" She taps my shoulder and hit my back gesturing to go on first.

Time skipped

We have been waiting for hours near this empty buildings. And Hange is waiting on top of the emptied third floor level building.

What I catch is we are like waiting for something big.



I was prepared only in hours. That thunder, I know what it is. It is the same as that day. It breaks my heart once again. It was like a quick reminder of death.

Hange didn't tell us what to do until we could hear the big thumps coming closer and closer. "PRESS THE BUTTON WHEN SHE PASSES!!" Hange shouts.

My brain was like She?? Who is She? and it is shut up when my eyes look at A Female Titan running on the corner
and here she gooo...
she turns and....

We catch a female titan!!

She falls in front of my face. Hange is cheering up and kicking her nose like a boss. I could see that she tries to intimidate the female titan.

But I am a bit hesitated when I could hear Hange keep provoking her. But what I am afraid of is going to happen. and it's....

Third POV

Hange with her weird excitement "Until I could take away all the information from you..."

For a split second something strange happens. That big blue female titan eye directed to me right after Hange threats, and when Hange start turning to see me too...

Female titan rebels and she starts kicking everything, more likely kicking towards my direction. I spontaneously escape and go up to the top building...

Reader's POV

"Uurgh" I feel tremendous pain. Red blood colour is spreading on my shirt near my left lower back.

... why it has to be white? My mind still have time to blame the shirt colour as my blood start dripping down to my pants.

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