chapter one

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"Tobes..." I say
"Yeah?" He says back
"Do you?... Do you regret about, about last night?" I say thinking about what happened last night, the most beautiful night of my life
"No... Do you?"He asks I shake my head smiling.
"It was perfect" "Yes, it was" We both say.
I am still in his bed and my arm is wrapped around his waist while his is around my back pulling me really close to him. He kisses my head and says "Don't you have to go to school?" he asks. I sigh.
"Yes, I do but I'd rather stay here with you" I say
"Yeah, I know but we'll see you later, now go to put some clothes on and I'm gonna call you right after school okay?" he says. I nod and smile. He leans in and kiss my lips, I kiss him back but I pull away when the whole thing was going too far. We both laugh and then I dress up and go to school.
"Hey Spence were where you last night?" Hanna asks me
"I was home" I lie
"No, you weren't, I went to your house to take back my nail polish and your mother told me that you were staying at Aria's but I called her and you weren't, so I'm gonna ask you again: Where were you last night?" Hanna says. I blush.
"I-I slept over at Toby's" I say. Hanna opened her mouth "Spencer Hastings!" She screams. "Oh my god! You did it with Toby!" She yells. I put an hand on her mouth and say "Could you say it any louder?" I say jokingly.
I see Aria and Emily walking trough the hallway and I whisper into Hanna's ear "Don't say anything please" she looks at me confused but then she nods.
"Spencer, where on earth were you last night?" Aria asks me "Hanna called me saying that your mother taught that you were staying over at my place!" She screams worried. Great. I don't know why I don't wanna tell Aria or Emily but I've always had some different type of friendship with all of them. With Hanna I feel that I can tell her things like last night. With Aria I can talk about love and funny stories, we have a lot of fun together. And with Emily I've always had this complicated friendship, we often fight but I love her anyway.
"I was at the library" I say. "You know that we don't buy it? don't you?" Emily says smiling
"Okay... okay, I was at Toby's house" I say.
"Oh my god! Spencer Hastings stays over at a boy's house" Aria yells and I blush. I don't know why but I totally feel out of my comfort zone right now so I say "So, are we going at the Brew later?"
"Yes, sure" they all say at the same time.
"Hey, you guys I think somebody is watching us" Emily says right after we get out of the brew, I feel the same way, I feel somebody's eyes staring at me, I feel the same way I feel when I get a text, a text from A, our psycho stalker that watches our every move.
"Yes, let's go" I say starting to walk away when I feel somebody hitting me on the head, I hear my friends saying "Spencer! Oh my god! Spencer talk to us!" then it all became black.
I open my eyes, I see a wall, I'm on the ground. I try to get up but my head is going to explode for how much it hurts. After ten minutes I finally sit up. I look around, I'm in a room, there is a bed and a door. My leg is tied to a metal chain. I try to break it but without any result. I don't know where I am or how long I've been here. My first taught goes to Toby. What will he think when he'll find out that I'm not going home. Maybe never anymore. He will forget about me. I put my hand in my hair and I feel something wet. I look at my hand and I see blood, a lot. A lot. I begin to breathe heavily. I want to scream but the words and the sound doesn't exit from my mouth. I start to cry, I feel powerless, trapped, lost. After what seems like days, a voice says "Please exit from your rooms and follow the lighter pathway." my metal chain unchained itself and I got up. The whole world is spinning around. I start to feel sick and I throw up on the floor.
I exit from my room and I see my friends they all come and hug me, I hug them back and I ask
"What the hell is going on? Hoy long have we been here!?" They look at each other with worried faces "What?!" I ask
"Spence, we've been here for over two months, A said to us that you were on a coma two months ago, we taught you were death" Emily says. I cannot believe that I was in a coma and that I woke up 2 months after the last thing I remember. I need to process and I'm not listening to them but I hear them saying "But we're so happy you're not" they hug me "What about Toby? And my family? Where are we?" They look at me and Aria says "Spence, your family is dead, your parents and Melissa were in the car and another car hit them, I'm so sorry" Tears run down my cheeks, my family was dead. "What about-what about Toby?" They don't answer "Answer me! Please, please I just wanna know if somebody still cares about finding me, US!" I yell crying "Spence, Toby and everybody think you're dead" my heart froze. What? "They made you a funeral" Hanna says. They made me a funeral? "Oh and Spencer, one- one more thing..." Emily says "What?" I ask "A told us something" "What did A tell you?" I ask really worried
"You're pregnant" Aria says

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