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Austin's POV:

Is it even healthy to be as excited as I am? I don't know. The girl I loved since my teenage years, she's coming. I'm so nervous.

What am I going to do? To wear? A suit? Casual outfit? And my hair, am I going for a bun? let them like this?

It's the first time I feel so damn excited. I'm stressing the shit out of me. I need to sleep, but what if I woke up too late? Omg, I'm so stressed.

It's already 10:00 AM, I have to take a shower, I have to do so many things. But one thing calmed everything; she's coming. You'll live with her for a while Austin. You'll be with her. Take her to shows, to dinner, tell her that you love her but in an amorous way. Fuck it Austin, you're the best.

So I'm taking just a regular shirt and some fucked up black jeans and put them on. Meh. I should maybe try a suit on. But which one? Let's put a black and white one. No, too classy. I want to be classy but still casual. A button-up shirt and a black suit pant, some Saint-Laurent as shoes, or maybe red bottoms, I like these. Urgh, so many choices!

I end up in a button-up white shirt and black pants, with red bottoms and some ice. I'm looking clean as hell.

Now my hair. Fuck, my hair. I take off the man bun I had and looked at it. I should consider cutting it short. My hair is like hell. So hellish. Anyway. Fuck it, let's do the usual two braids, they always work.

I'm so ready.

So I sit on my living room, waiting for a text from Dot. I put Netflix on and started watching some Bojack Horseman shit, fuck I love that show. I'm so happy, I'll finally see her. The girl I loved and love. I missed her so much.

I didn't feel it but I fell asleep. I wake up with the vibration of my phone, I just had a text from my girl. She's here. Fuck. I'm so nervous. My hands are sweaty, like really sweaty. Is it a good idea?

I close my house's door as I go to my Rolls Royce to go to the airport. Driving calm me. I love driving. It could be late or early, snowy or sunny, I would always find a pretext to drive. I love driving.

But this time, I don't know why I have no other thing to think about than Dot. I can't change my mind, I can't help it, fuck she's haunting me for good. Her name is echoing into my head, which sounds really weird, try to echo "Dot", you'll see how strange it sound. Dot. Dot. Dot. Dot. What a strange name. Why Dot?

In high school, I thought it was short for Dorothy, but no, it's just... Dot. Her parents were maybe really drunk or high when they chose her name. Dot. That's fun. That's uncommon. That's cute. I like it a lot.

I arrive at the airport quite quickly, maybe because I was lost in my thoughts. I send her a text telling her where I am, and what I'm wearing. I look up and faced her lost self: she is beautiful. Her already faded pink hair, almost seamless, melt my heart. I love it.

I scream her name, hoping she would hear it, and no one else would, but it was impossible. She turns and sees me, smiling. She runs into my arm, telling me how much I missed her and how much she was excited.

"Man I missed you!" She repeats, over and over. Not going to lie, I like it when she says that about me. I missed her too. But now she's here, in front of me. Fuck Dot. I want to kiss you. "Austin? You okay?" She asks. Yes, I am.

"Yeah, I was just- I don't know. I missed you so much. It feels weird to see you after all those years." Of course, it is, stupid Austin! What a stupid answer. But she buys it. She's smiling. I love her smile. Fuck I love her. Anyway, I take her bag, put it in the back of my car and go on the driver seat.

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