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I woke up next to her, thinking it was a dream. But it wasn't, it was all real. I turned to face her, caressed her hair, kissed her forehead, she seemed to be real as fuck.

"Austin, I love you." She mumbled in her 'sleep'. She was half asleep half woke up, I knew it. I told her I love her too before she took my neck and kissed my lips. "Do you want to date me?" She asked.

Oh oh.. That wasn't the right question to ask. I was so scared of having a girlfriend, what if-

"I know you're asking yourself question and things but I love you, you love me, we are happy family. We should date. And if you don't want to that would be awkward and I would go back to New Yorm where I belong." She said, in the same half-sleeping zombie-ish voice.

"I do." I said, without thinking. She was right, I love her, she loves me, what could possibly be bad.

"Great." She said before going back to sleep. Will she even remember she asked me that? I hope. I smiled and went to my dressing room, putting on confortable clothes for the day.

She woke up a little after me, coming at me on my living room, sitting next to me and putting her head on my shoulder.

"What's up?" She asked, kind of tired. She has one of my shirt on with a pair of botty short thing, it was cute.

"Nothing, just.. chilling with my gf I guess." I said, hugging her.

"So that's it, we really are a thing now?" She asked, happy.

"I guess." I said, smiling. I was so happy, it happened, finally.

"I.. I love you Austin." She said, smiling too. I kissed her and went on my phone to do check instagram and twitter.

"I'm going home tomorrow, my dog needs me" She said, sadly. She knew it would make me sad but anyway, I wanted her to be happy, and if happy means beinh far from me with her dog well let's do it.

"You can go home, take your stuff and come live with me, fuck work, fuck your boring life in New York, come with me and let's travel." I said, I didn't want her to go far from me tho.

"Yeah.. you're right. Let's.. let's do that."

Such a crappy end but it's done, finally!
Sorry for the wait, it wasn't even really worth it, but here it is.
I hope u liked "wish i was here", it was so amazing to write and i loved it.
thanks for reading, see you later!


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