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Dot's POV

I'm laying in bed, hoping Austin would come to hang out, or some shit like that. I just want him to come, to be honest, even just laying next to me, I want him to come. Why can't he understand how women works?

Oh yeah, I forgot. He's that kind of man. So kind, he just wants to let me sleep, he just wants me to rest so I'll look healthy, not like I do today. With my huge bags under the eyes and my smudged makeup.

Well, I guess it's an opportunity for me to visit my room and everything he said was 'mine'.

So I got up and walk around my room. It's like so huge, maybe the side of my apartment in Brooklyn. I guess that's how it feels to be rich.

The huge windows give an amazing view of Los Angeles, a dreamy view. My face is filled with stars, Los Angeles can be so beautiful. I always hated the big city, I don't really like Brooklyn, Los Angeles was.. meh. But seen from these windows.. it's amazing.

I open the glass door to go to the balcony. The warm weather caressed my face, the soft wind run through my hair, I'm feeling good right now.

I enter the room by the glass door and go to see the bathroom. Once again, it's fucking big. I mean.. he's from Texas. Everything's bigger in Texas.

The tub is big enough to fit at least two people, which is also the case for the shower. Everything is so harmonious, even the toilets. Do you believe it, beautiful toilets?

I'm dreaming. Everything is so beautiful, so perfect. I fucking can't. It's almost too much. It's.. strange for me at the moment.

I'm afraid that when I'll come home I'll get disgusted and sad to all the place I'm going to visit because everything is just so harmonious and big.

I open my toiletry bag, take my wipes and take my makeup off, let my hair go from the bun I made, and take my clothes off to take a shower.

I put my music on and I'm ready to go. Some old shit, like Africa by Toto, a classic. I remember we danced to this a lot with Austin when we were teenagers, we were so fucking dumb and innocent. I remember having a crush on him, and when he told me he loved that Ashlen girl I.. I was devastated. Thank Jesus my boyfriend was here to save the day.

He's not a bad guy. He does some bad guy-ish things, but he's not a bad guy. He's someone good. He's a great person. He goes to church, he donates to charity, he bought me food to work when I worked late in the beginning, but as time goes, he became himself. Not really kind or caring but... I loved him. I still do. I mean.. it's so confused in my head, I don't know what I feel towards who. I'm just fucked up.

That's on this note that I got cut, thinking. Three knocks on the door were all I needed. Thanks, it happened.

"What?" I asked, almost screaming for Austin to hear me. I put a towel on quickly and open the bathroom's door to go to my room. Austin is standing there, right behind the bathroom's door. I didn't expect him to be here.

"I wanted to ask you if you wanted to do a beer bong but.. hm.. well you seemed already occupied so let's say later?" He asks, obviously awkwardly. Fuck! I don't want to make him be awkward!

"Oh no I'd love to, let me just... dress I guess" I said, nervously. He smiles at me, with what I hope would be loving eyes. Austin, your smile is beautiful. Fuck yea, I love your smile.

Something like an hours later, both drunk as if we drank all night, we decide to go to bed. For once we are responsible. Crazy right?

After struggling to walk upstairs, with Austin laughing at me almost falling at every stair, I finally manage to go to my room. I closed the door after screaming a really drunk "Goodnight" to Austin.

I take off my clothes, put some pajamas on and go onto my bed. The white bedding was the softest and comfortable thing I've ever slept on, I'm so shocked. I shouldn't. He's rich, obviously he can afford really nice bedding. This instantly made me fall asleep.

I wake up during the night, from a huge need to pee, a bad headache, and nausea. Hangover, already. Fuck no, not now.
Not. Now.

I walk downstairs from the tip of my toe, trying to make no sound at all. Not complicated considering his floor isn't making sounds anyway.

I reach the kitchen and open cabinets to see if there are any meds to help my head. Nothing on this one. Same here. Not here either. What?! He must keep pills but.. where?

I hear someone clearing their throat. Obviously, intentionally. Fuck no Austin. I woke him up. I slightly turn to face him, on the corner of the door. His arms are crossed. He seems upset.

"Austin I was just searching for some meds, my head hurts and my-" He cut me off.

"They're on the last drawer" he says, calmly and smiling. What?! Is he upset or not? "I'd just like for you to ask me before turning all my kitchen upside down" He laughs. Fuck yeah, he's kidding.

"Sorry, I didn't want to bother you so I didn't wake you up.." I say, quietly. I didn't want him to be upset about me being the fucking intrusive person I am.

"Don't worry, I put some first aid in your bathroom, maybe there's some in there." He says, carefully, searching into his drawer for some meds. He found it and give it to me, with a glass of water.

"Thank you.. You're so fucking sweet." I may seem like I'm a really good person but I curse a lot and to be honest I'm fucked up.

"You're welcome. Go to sleep now." He says, smiling. He's so caring, Jesus Christ how is that possible? Also, does he really think I can sleep? I start to have a migraine, I don't think that's possible for me to sleep right now.

I don't think I can sleep" I say, sleepy but hurt. I mean, he knows you can't sleep when you're hungover. I'm pretty fucked up at the moment.

So I sit on the sofa, going through my phone. I'm like sleepy but I can't sleep, I hate these kinds of mood.

I feel him sitting next to me. Why are you treating me so goodly? I haven't done anything to you. Anyway. I'm sleepy so I don't really understand anything. I'm just... tired. Kind of like drugged, to be honest. That feeling is so funny tho.

And I figure out how to sleep, shortly after. I remember my head feeling dizzy and my eyes closing, falling onto the couch. But I feel something different than the couch now.

Something velvety, something satiny, it's so great to touch and so.. silky but velvety at the same time. I open my eyes and the first thing I realize is that I don't recognize this room. What?!

So I turn, trying to figure out where I am. The first thing I see is the huge window, giving an amazing view. And then I turn, once again, and see Austin.


(hello u guys!
so yes it took sometimes to write this chapter but i don't really have the time lol
im busy between my appointment at the therapist, my work and shit omg im tired as fuck
also im first in the #malone omg im so thankful for all of u
anyway, thank u so much for every comment i received on my last part, it made me so happy to see that u like my book

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