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Dot's POV

And nothing. Just the beep from the phone, the call end, his heavy breath, and nothing else. I'm too shocked to talk right now. I looked at him, at least at his back, as he put my phone on the bed and rise.

"What was that?" I finally ask. I'm shocked, so shocked. Not that it would bother me, just thinking of it made me feel dizzy, and I start to feel butterfly in my stomach. I want it, obviously.

But he remains silent. Like there is nothing to say. But there is a ton of shits to say. So many that I don't even know where to start. But he doesn't say anything. Not a single word comes out of his mouth. Just the sound of his breath.

"Austin, what was that?!" I say, kind of yelling but still shocked, rising. I need answers. I need to know why that.

"Dot.. I'm.. I don't.. Know. I guess I just.. It was like.. the action and.. I got into it.. I don't know what I feel towards you I.." He says, still back to me. He seems lost. He finally turns and looks at me, straight in the eyes. 

"I love you"




Just, breath. Just the ambient sound, the sound of Cigarette After Sex playing in in the living room, loud enough for us to hear it, that kind of things we usually cover with our voices, our laughs, and our music. But now, nothing.

I looked at him straight in the eyes, open mouth, shocked even more. And in a second, he takes my chin between his finger and kisses me.

I missed that. I missed that feeling, that sensation. I missed these butterflies down in my stomach, I missed his warm breath, his soft lips, the tickly feeling of his mustache, I missed all of that. 

He put his other hands on my back, putting me on the bed. I know what is going to happen, I know it's going to be great, but I'm not sure if it's right. 

He starts to kiss my neck, I'm starting to lose my shit. It's not right. It can be right.

"Austin, wait" I say as I start to push him away. He looks at me with lost eyes. He probably thinks he's doing something wrong. "I.. Is it right?"

"Do you love me?" He says, taking his head away from my neck. Don't act like you don't know it Austin.

"Yes of course. Ever since that kiss. It cleared everything in my head, but I didn't want to believe it. I mean.. you are Post Malone. You have plenty of girl around you, so I was pretty sure I wasn't your style." I say, lookong down. I've been waiting for ages to say it, it felt so releasing.

"I've loved you for ages, ever since we know each other, even when we were far from each other I kept thinking of you. I tried so hard to forget you. And now.. You're here, telling me that you love me. I.. I can't." He says before kissing me.

It finally feels right. I'm so happy. I love him. So much, and I'm so happy with him. He looks at me in the eyes, smiling at me, telling me that he loves me, before taking my shirt off.

The sun was slowly disappearing over the landscape, leaving a orangey-like lighting to the room and strikes of light showing our two black silhouettes to the peachy-colored wall due to the warm color of the sun.

The slow feeling of his lips on my collarbone, of his body waving on mine, his mouth sucking on my skin to leave some beautiful redish/purplish love marks on my body, the feeling of the soft sheets under my warm body, I was leaving my fantasy.

His breath carress my skin as he moves to my chest, kissing the middle of my rib cage smoothly, tingling me intentionally with his beard. It's such a soft moment.

He put one of his hand on my bra, teasing one breast softly, while he kiss the visible part of the other.

He put his other hand on my inner thigh, massaging it slowly, going upper as he massages, to reach my zipper.

He looks at me in the eye, before snapping his finger to unbutton my pants, and unzip it with his teeth. I look at him, gazing in his eyes.

He took my pants off of my legs, opening them lightly, going down. I can't help but bend back by the pleasure I feel when he kiss my inner thigh, near my more sensitive area.

He slightly bites me, which strangely feels amazing, and starts to give me some light hickey.

I start to feel a warm wind on my intimacy, which happen to be his hot breath. He starts to lick my pleasure spot through my panties. I feel dizzy, it feels so good, I can't help. I fell this warmth down there, I know I want him. Now. More than ever.

I push his head, my finger tangling his hair while I took off his shirt but pulling it.

I feel two long things softly and lightly crawling inside me, through my underwear, which made me felt so pleased.

It feels so good. The soft feeling of his cold hand in my warm self, the temperature's change, this kind of thing that enhance the pleasure, it feel so strange to say but it's how I feel right now.

He stops doing his preliminaries to kiss me, making his bulge meeting my wet panties. He starts waving his pelvis toward me, kissing me deeply yet softly.

"Are you okay with.. that?" He asks, his hand on his pants' button. I nod, smiling at him. Of course I am.

My face must be so red, how can he feel pleasure watching me? I guess this is what we call love.

He take his pants down, kissing my neck. Everything is so slow, so soft, made for me to want more, to make me melt in patience.

He then pull his underwear down, taking a condom from the end table. He massages my breast while putting it on, softly, but still passionately.

"I love you", he says, whispering to my ear, inserting his intimacy into mine. I can't help but to put my head back, moaning.

He starts to do some slow and light in and out movements, kissing me intensely.

I want this moment to last forever, I don't want this to end. Please, never end. Please.

He intensifies his movements, going back and forth, more intense but still soft.

His moaning made me so happy, his usual rocky voice being so soft at this time, it make me melt.

I grip the sheets under me, scratching it quite hardly as the pleasure intensify. He took one of my hand, smiling at me.

I look at him in the eye, his beautiful, perfect, light blue eyes. In this room, this almost dark room, his light blue eyes stand out, it's the only thing lightens by the streak of light.

His breath becomes irregular, his moves becomes softer and slower, but still intense, and moans becomes louder.

I know what it means. But I don't want it to end. It's.. too perfect to end here. What is happening after? I'll pinch myself and wake up from this dream?

I feel Austin hand on my cheek, which make me come back to Earth. He looks at me, and then kiss me like it was his last time.

He finally made his final movement, his coup de grâce, his face in between my neck and my shoulder, moaning in his pillow, trying not to make a huge sound.

I hug him, as he lay on me, out of breath. I stroke his hair, playing with his short curls from his grown-bangs.

"Thank you." I say, hugging him closer. I love him for so long now, It feels so unreal.

I pinch myself, nothing happen. Austin is still here, I'm still on his room. Nothing is happening.

I look at the skyline, the sun is almost gone now, the pinkish sky is becoming darker, everything is so perfect. I love everything about this moment.

"You're welcome." He says, mumbling. I laugh and close my eyes, falling asleep, in the arm of the man that I love. How can it be better?

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