Chapter 12

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{{WARNING!!! Mentions of mental abuse and eating disorder!}}

Alexander pulled John up and turned around, furious. The punch stained Alex's shirt. "DUDE! WHAT THE FUCK?!"

John's face turned pail when he saw his ex boyfriend, Francis. He grabbed Alexander's hand, "Babe let's go."

Alex nodded in agreement, turning around. Before they could leave, Francis stepped in front of them. "Wait, baby doll, I wanna talk to you.."

"No," John quickly replied. Francis grabbed John's hand and kissed it, which just about set Alexander off. "Please Johnny, I'm sorry, I'll treat you right."

Alexander gritted his teeth and shoved Francis away. He went stumbling back, grabbing the party's attention. "Leave my boyfriend the fuck alone. You broke his heart once, and you're not doing it again."

Tears welled up in John's eyes as he began to remember what Francis had done to him a few years ago.


John was at Francis's house folding laundry and cleaning up. Francis came in and slammed the door, making John flinch.

"Babe? Are you okay?"

Francis sighed. "Yes, I'm fucking fine. Start dinner. And don't fucking burn it this time. Can you at least do that?"

John nodded and went into the kitchen, starting dinner while Francis went to their room. As John stirred the pot of spaghetti, Francis came out for a quick cup of coffee. He stopped and poked John's side. "Damn John, you need to lose some fucking weight. How the hell do you expect me to take you in public looking like that?" Francis's words cut through John like a dagger. John already had stretchmarks and was self conscious, all because Francis would always put John down.

"S-sorry hun," John stuttered. He bit his lip, trying to hold the burning hot tears filling his eyes. "I-I'll just s-skip dinner then..."

"You better. You may as well hit the gym while you're at it."

Francis went back to his room. Once he knew Francis was gone, John let the tears fall, hiccupping quietly. He only ate one meal a week so that he could loose weight. All he wanted to do was be beautiful for his boyfriend, but it felt like nothing worked. sometimes he would even vomit from pure hunger...

John got a plate of spaghetti ready for Francis and walked to the room. he was about to knock on the bedroom door when he heard Francis laughing.

"You're so funny. I love that about you. Say, how about I take you to dinner tonight?.....Yep, just me and you, baby. Maybe I could even spend the night at your place~.....No....No, babe, I swear I'm not with him. He's ugly, fat, and the only thing he's good for is chores. I'd never date him. I promise baby, I love you and only you."

John's heart sank. Tears ran down his face and he dropped the plate on the floor, shattered pieces of glass scattering along the floor.

|~~~~~~End of Flashback~~~~~~|

John snapped back to reality. He looked up to see Francis yelling angrily at Alexander. John gritted his teeth and stomped up to Francis, giving him a hard punch right across his cheek. The crowd of party guests gasped, along with Alexander, who was shocked, yet utterly proud that he had a badass boyfriend like John. Though, Alexander began to get concerned when one punch turned to several, and several punched lead to John tackling Francis to the ground and beating the living shit out of him, as Francis wailed for help.

Alexander pulled John off and hugged him tight. He whispered calming things in his ear and ran his fingers through John's curls, which Alexander knew he loved. Francis stood up and wiped blood off his nose. "Fuck you! Fuck you all! Have fun with your fucking pig of a boyfriend!!!" Francis screamed in Alexander's face before stomping out the door.

John finally broke, hugging Alexander and sobbing heavily. Alexander noticed everyone staring, so he picked John up bridal style and carried him out and down the road.

"It's okay Jacky, it's okay."

John hiccupped, letting out sobs in between. Alexander continued to carry John home, completely positive that Thomas sat the whole thing up, after he took a few pictures of the fight. he was also certain that their teacher, Mr. Washington, would not be happy...

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