Chapter 17

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Alexander woke up the next morning to find John curled into his side, emitting loud snores. He laughed and poked John's side repeatedly, trying to tickle him. "Wake up, nerd."

John gave a 'snork' sounding noise, and launched upwards, his eyes snapping open. "Huh!? What?" he exclaimed. His gaze fell upon Alexander, who was shooting a sly smirk at him. "Hey! The rules say you can't call me a nerd anymore! You're my boyfriend, not a bully." He pouted.

"It's our anniversary, babe. Or.. at least, our few months' anniversary." Alexander combed his fingers through John's hair.

John laughed and playfully wrestled with Alexander. "Well, it can't be our anniversary unless you know how many months we've dated for!" he teased.

"Hmm.. hasn't it been about five, my dearest, Laurens?" Alexander's smirk became a playboy grin as he gently wrestled him back.

"Oh, fuck off." John giggled and grabbed Alexander by the cheeks, pulling him into a surprisingly gentle kiss.

Alexander happily kissed him back, falling into a peaceful bliss. "Come on, nerd, let's make breakfast." He patted his chest.

"I'm not a nerd!" John stuck his tongue out, though he was smiling. He knew Alexander only meant the nickname lightheartedly.

Alexander shifted out of bed, and yawned as he stretched his arms towards the ceiling.

John snuck up behind him, and engulfed him into a tight hug. "Hey! Think fast!" He tickled him, and tackled him to the floor.

They spent that morning tickling and wrestling each other, and eating breakfast. Along with a shower, because John ended up accidentally flipping his cereal upside down and spattering milk all over his hair and face.

To actually do something productive for the day, they went out to take a walk. John brought two slices of bread to feed the birds. Everyone knew that he had a sincere love for animals.

John was minding his own business, tossing pieces of fluffy bread towards sparrows that chittered and bounced along the path. They curiously pecked at the crumbs. After half a slice of bread, John had a group of birds following after him.

"Aww. Look, we have little bird children." Alexander laughed at the trail of birds tweeting at John's heels. "You're like a Disney princess!"

"I'm the best Disney bitch out there, what are you talking about?" John laughed quietly in order not to disturb the birds. He threw more pieces of bread.

Suddenly, a swan gracefully started to careen towards them. "Run!" John shouted, shooing the sparrows away. "Hurry! You all need to evacuate! It's Jefferson's horcrux! It's in that swan!"

"Nerd~" Alexander sung, smirking at John again.

"Hey. Harry Potter is a blessing, for your information." John snorted. "It's not a nerd thing. It's just a fact." He gripped Alexander's hand more tightly, and sped up his pace. "Now let's skedaddle before the Jeffershit swan tries to claim my ass cheek as a trophy."

Alexander was about to make a joke, but John's phone rang. He picked it up. "Hello?"

The air filled with an awkward silence. For Alexander, at least. He had no idea what was going on on the other end of the conversation.

John's eyes widened as big as saucers. "What?" He beamed, bouncing on his heels. "Seriously!?"

Alexander blinked at John. Whatever was going on, he was definitely happy about something.

"LAF, YOU HAVE TO INVITE ME AS YOUR BEST MAN!" John whined. "I'll even help you pick out a suit or whatever! Come on, man, it'll be fun!"

Alexander smiled at John, squeezing his hand. It all made sense now. It was about time that Laf and Herc got married.

Someday, it would be their time.

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