Chapter One: Intro

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In case you're wondering who did the amazingly kick asses cover, it was done by stella101, and I highly reccomend her for your cover making if you can't do it! Just needed to put that in, becasue i love the kick ass cover. -♥Aphrodite♥ anyway, the story:

Hey, everyone! I'm doing this WAY late, I know, but it just occured to me that you know nothing of these characters! So I've decided to help you a bit. This is just with the looks for now, and I'll add a bit of personality later, okay? Here it is.

ALSO!! I've decided to erase the beginning and start over with that, along with giving you this instead, even though it's really sloppy! I'm updating from my iPhone, so bare with me, please!



Grey eyes.

Blue - Black hair, long.

Pencil straight hair 


Black eyes

Black hair, short

Straight hair


Brown eyes.

Dirty blonde hair, medium.

Wavy hair.


Black eyes

Black hair, short

Straight hair


Green eyes.

Grey - Brown hair, shortish.

Curly hair.


Green eyes

Grey - Brown hair, short

Wavy hair


Brown eyes.

Brown hair, long.

Straight hair.


Blue eyes

Black hair, shirt

Straight hair


Blue eyes.

Bleach blonde hair, long.

Wavy hair.


Black eyes

Black hair, shortish

Straight hair


Blue - Green eyes.

Strawberry blonde hair, mediumish

Straight hair.


Yellowish eyes

Brownish - Gold hair, between short and medium

Wavy hair


Blue eyes

Brown hair, medium

Wavy hair


Grey eyes

Blue - Black hair, long

Straight hair 

~. ~. ~. ~.

At some point in our lives, most of us have had the same thought: "Nothing bad will ever happen to me." Why would it? You hate your parents sometimes, and your siblings are annoying, but you have a relatively good life. So why would anything bad happen? Nothing bad will happen to you or your family. Well, for me, I didn't get to have that thought for a long while, because my life was bad in the very beginning. No, I wasn't born the daughter of drug or sex addicted parents, and no, I wasn't sold to some fifty year old man by my parents. It was never like that. I was abandoned by my parents and left in an orphanage until the year I turned ten. But after I was adopted, that changed. My life changed and all was good, and I was finally able to say that nothing bad would ever happen to me...again. My life has already been difficult. Didn't I get a break? I thought that. But as some people come to realize: bad things can happen to anyone, and life gives no one a break.

It happened several weeks before Christmas. That day....I thought I would die. Because I live with the people who adopted me, the people I called "mom" and "dad", I honestly thought I could no longer exist. There were two people who helped me through those days. Alec, and Addison. I don't know what I would have done without those two. I have them to thank for my life. And my best friend Cassie...I didn't know how she got involved, but she did. Not right away, though. Actually not until much later, but she did. Then those days passed by with a blur, and then I was back at school. Derek and Kayleigh, mom and dad's birth children, they helped through those days. I mean, after all, they were the'r real children. So it was hard for me, but even more so for Kayleigh and Derek.

I will tell you now, my story. What happened, and how it happened, But let me warn you, don't expect it to be the most exciting thing in the world. Don't expect a lot of action, becasue there isn't any. It is simply a memoir, and nothing else. I shall begin:

December of 2009 and we were still in school. Our school didn't believe in prolonged breaks. So we were alowed a week off for break any time in December when we filled out the form and turned it into the office. If we didn't use it then, we would have several other chances to use it, except it would be extended. I decided not to use it. A lot of us did in fact. I pulled my car into the parking lot and stepped out. Looking in the window, I made sure I looked okay. My long blue-black hair that fell to my waist was as straight as a ruler, but not as fine. Check. My pale face and cold skin was covered in a little bit of make-up. And I DO mean a LITTLE. Check. My slimming black turtleneck, my favorite pair of blue jeans, and my favorite Northface jacket. Check. I was okay. I locked my car and turned to face my two story school and grimaced in disgust. I hated it here. But I loved the people here. That was why I forced myslef to come to school everyday.

Spotting my friends, I rushed to their side to begin the day.

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