Fast&Furious -Unfinished Fan Fic-

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So a few months ago I watched evry single fast and furious movie out. &&Let me tell you, Vin Diesel is a sexy Mofo. I don't care if he's possibly gay or not, he's a sexy little bitch. Anyway. I wrote this um, yeah:) So if anyone wants to work on a fast&furious fan fic, go ahead and take this one. I know for a fact I'll never work on it again. It's too bad though, I kinda liked it too. Josh Ramsay shows up in this too lol xD even when I'm in another Fandom my main girl somehow ends up with a slight fing with Mister.RamsassyThat would also explain why she's in or went to canada. I also got Letty name wrong xD soooorry. Have you ever noticed her name sound like Lisa? Haha, and when I was writing it I didn't have internet acess so I had to guess. anyway lisa = Letty~Samii 

Canada deffinately didn't have any underground racing scenes. But that wouldn't stop me from racing. It's been three months, and as much as I try to find the underground scene, I can't. In my opinion it just doesn't exist. Either that or its on such a high lockdown I'll never find it. My phone started buzzing like crazy in my pocket, I pulled it out. Brian. 

"What do you want dude?" I growled answering the phone. 

"I know you said for no one to contact you for a year, but Sam, I miss you. And I bet you'd love this racing system they got down in Florida" He bribed. I sighed. 

"I can't see you yet Brian, it just reminds me of Dom" I frowned, "And anyway Dom would never let me back into the circle if he knew I still talk to you" I reasoned, "Don't forget your still the cop that fucked it up" I reminded, "And anyway Dom knows I'm in Canada, he knows exactly where I'm at, and in a nine months he's coming to get me out of here. So no, I can't leave" I answered. 

"I saved Vince's life..." Was his only reply. 

" You also ripped our family apart. I would've never even thought of leaving Dom if you hadn't shown up. And you broke Mia's heart. Not to mention you were trying to get us all put in jail" I replied. 

"I was hoping it was someone else... After I got to know you guys-" 

"Brian save it. In the end we would have been fine without you. Push comes to shove I'm pretty sure Jessie wouldn't have raced that Jap, if he never met you. In other words Brian. You saved Vince, but killed Jessie, and Broke Mia. You also split me in two. Because then I had to chose between you and my life. And now.. I have neither. Because now, I don't want you, and my life hurts to much" I hung up, and put my cell on silent. Time to go to hunting.

My name is Samantha O'Connor, But everyone I use to know called my KickFlip, or just Kick. Because I was a badass at skateboarding. That's how I found my family. The real ones and the adopted. When I was thirteen, Dominic Found me skateboarding my intials into the world. After I got a good look at the 1969 Royal Blue Camaro he was driving there was no way he could get rid of me. After he found out I spent my time on the streets, I guess his human side kicked in, and he gave me a place to live, and a family to Love. Thats how it started, Skateboarding, biking, motorcycles, then finally I got that 1969 beauty all to myself. My number one reminder of who my family is. Now all I eat and breath is Racing. Cars, that half mile all to myself. With not a worry in the world. A little under a year ago, when I was almost seventeen, a guy names Brian started showing up at our little food shack in California. And let me tell you all the food there sucked. That's how I got my brother back. Though I didn't find out he was my brother until the day I found out he was a cop. The day Vince almost died, and the day Jessie did die. Jessie... The only guy to ever show an actual interest in me. And now he's dead. Jessie had always taught me so much, he was like a werid adopted brother that ends up turning into your husband later on in life... but Jessie will never be able to get married now. I wouldn't have been able to return his love anyway, not after Dom saved my life. Nope, Dom was the only one on my heart now days, and thats why the day life went to hell was the day  I chose to drive in the opposite direction as my brother, and family. They went south, and so I went North. Because I couldn't be around a man I loved, and such heartache, nor could I be around the man that had betrayed us, no matter how much blood lied between us. I remember the day like it was yesterday. 

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