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This is actually a story I started writing but never finished. So.. um Yeah. I had it titled Originally after the MT song Cross My Heart, but it doesn't really fit now that I think about it. I'm uploading this from my old quizilla, and it's like two years old, so lets not judge my grammer and writing details etc from back then. It's just a story I wrote cause I was mad that my ex-stepfather kicked us out of the house, and then I had a crush on some guy named Eddie at my old highschool. I dislike him now cause he's cousins with some guy that was a "stepbrother'' for like... a month xD My family moves quick. Anyway, no judgement. ~Samii

Ps. I have a horrible habit of naming characters after me.... Um, I'll stop that. Sometime.

Dear, Diary

It's happening again. Their fighting.This is thethrid night in a row....and it's been only one night of quiet in between. I wish they could get along again,everything was so much easier back then.....

My doorflew open and banged against the wall.

"Get your stuff together we're leaving!" My mother yelled.

"What?! But-" She cut me off.

"You heard me Samantha!" She screamed.

"Don't go screaming at her! This is between you and me! She Doesn't need to get involved!" My Step-father yelled. 


"This fight'll be over when I say it is!" Hethreathened. My mother turned around, silent. Oh, no. Don't ever try and be"dominate" over my mother. 

"Excuse me?" She stated walking up to him, "Who the hell do you think you are to try and tell me when and if something will be over?" She asked raising ever so slowly into his face, his stony emotionless face.I never saw it coming, the sound of hand against cheek, the burning tears that rose to my eyes. I jumped from my bed, fogetting completely of the open book I left. I heard her scream register seconds later. Glimpsing the red mark, before she it hid under hand. My hands folded into fists, I was not gonna let this hapen again. I passed my desk on my run to kill him, blindly grabbing any object I could, which just happened to be a lamp. I wailed, his arms raising up trying to cover his face, my arm high above me coming down faster than I meant it too, and then....The sound of broken glass. He fell to his knees, clutching his head.

"Don't ever touch her AGAIN!" I roared, blood red anger running through my body. I shook with it. His head slowly lifted,our eyes connected. He smiled, and fell forward onto the fallen glass, his blood dripping about the room, a puddle forming.I stood for a timeless moment, staring at his limp body. 

"Samantha" My mother whispered from the corner she had retreated too. I couldn't pry my eyes away. Why wasn't he moving?"Samantha" She said a bit louder. No matter how much I tried my eyes would not move, nor my body. Why wasn't he moving? "Samantha!" My mother yelled, my eyes flashed to her, I stepped back.

"Eh" The only thing my mouth could mutter. My mother came up to me, and grabbed my shoulders.

"It's fine...okay?" She said firmly, I could see the full extent of his "Slap" Her lip was cut, Probably by his ring, And he cheek was bruised black, "Okay.....Sam Ya gotta talk to me, hun. He'll be fine. We just have to call the cops, and get him to a hospital, and then everything will be fine, Okay?"

I shook my head slowly, then my speed rose and I hair was going everywhere, I couldn't see past it's veil. my face was a water fall, my mouth a speaker system for the most horrible noise ever, as though I was choking on blood. I could hear my mother' feble attempts to calm me down, I felt her grip on my arm tighten, the release. My head stopped it vigerious movements, and I blacked up to the far wall, slumping down, my arms around my knees. I cried sliently as my mother went to his body. She pushed him over, his boy still limp....The front of his pants wet with urine, or blood, I couldn't tell...maybe both. She knelt down into the puddle, laying her head on hs chest, as I imagine she had done many a time. Then I saw it, the light rapid movements of his chest, I released my tention, and my hert beat again.

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