Chapter-3 Heartache

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" Leaving is hard but being left behind is harder " - Lexxel.


Now he definitely hates me. First I scolded him and then I threw out him out of this world, what is wrong with me? why didn't I just talk to him? She cursed herself, hating all of her previous actions.

She wanted to try again and redeem herself, but she didn't wanted to do it here. In this magical prison that constantly reminds her of the burden of her responsibility. It must be the same for Randy, she thought, reminding him of what she is and what she will never be.

" I don't have much time.... even if he forgets. I don't want any regrets, but I can't do it here, he'll never see me as more then just a mentor, unless.. " she said to herself in a rather unsure tone towards the end. " It would take time to prepare but it's be worth it."_

Back in Randy's house.

Randy sat at the dinning table, staring at his food with a somber expression, he continuously poked his food with a fork, this concerned his mother as she observed him.

" Steak's already dead, you don't need to check if it bites." She joked with a weak smirk.

" Huh?" Randy responded looking up at his mother.

" Honey, is there something wrong?" She asked. " I just made a bruce joke and you just shot it dead. Like that steak, probably."

Randy looked at his mother, not sure what to say but he had to talk to someone. " Sorry, Mom, it was funny, I'm just confused that's all. Umm, mom, what do you do if someone isn't talking to you? "

" Did you and Howard get into a fight again?" She leaned her head to the side, while she pointing her pointed her fork and him.

" No, it's not Howard, it's someone else, she's-"

" She? " She said with a big smile " Is it, the girl in your class the one with the violet hair? "

" Theresa no, it's someone else she....well umm she's... My pen pal from Japan."

" Oh, well. What happened? " She sighted, disappointed her guess wasn't on the mark.

" Well we were talking... It was really nice but then just now she stopped talking to me. "

" Mmm, How long have you been pen pals?"

" Well I guess about four years now."

" Are you two close? "

" Yeah I guess. "

" Ah-Huh, well What happened? did you say anything before she stopped talking to you? "

" Well, we were talking oh wait I mention that I had to do something for Theresa and then she seemed annoyed and then she just stopped talking to me. "

" Well, there's your answer." She said in an obvious tone.

" Wait what?" He shot a confused look.

She giggled at her son and said " I'm sorry, dear, but this is something you have to figure out yourself."

" At least tell me something." Randy pleaded with her, desperate and a little annoyed with his mother's vagueness.

" Just talk to her even if she's not responding, Kay? Try to mend things with her as early as you can, or it's going to turn sour pretty fast."

" Okay, I guess "

" Now eat your steak, dear. It didn't die to hear your pathetic whining."

" Okay, mom." The teen complied, replying with a frown. He quietly consumed his food, but he did it without any hint of enjoyment out of spite.

Randy felt tire from the food and went to bed immediately and fell asleep the moment his face hit the pillow and began to dream, he was walking through a forest seeing nothing but woods, something about these trees were familiar to Randy, he kept walking until he saw a Japanese dojo, he went inside he saw that it was like a training room because there was all kinds of bladed weapons and dummies and there was someone standing at the center of the room Randy recognise it was the nomicon in her human form, her back was facing him. She stood there not moving at all.

" Nomicon, listen I'm sorry about what I did or said. I really don't know what I did, but don't be mad at me.."

She just stood there still not moving.

" Nomicon? You okay, there in the middle of the room with the background more and more dimmer by the second? Okay something wrong here, Nomicon, are you doing this."

She continued to stand here with her back turned. It was as if she was deaf, not responding. Randy felt creeped out, but he decided to walk closer to her, extending his right hand to touch her shoulder.

" You broke my heart. " said an echoing voice as the surroundings area became darker.

" What? "

Nomicon turned around without making any sound and faced Randy. What he saw terrified him to his core, as there were no facial features on her head, just a big juicy steak.

" You broke my heart and stabbed me several times. " she said in an echoing voice.

" Nomicon, what are you saying? And, side note, where is your honkin' face?!"

She continue to stare at him then walked slowly towards him and then zoomed closer to him their faces just inches apart.

" Nomi-" Randy's words were cut short by sharp pain in his chest, the pain grew and became unbearable Randy looked at his chest and saw a hand had stabbed his chest, it broke the rib cage and stabbed the heart and blood was seeping from the wound.

" W-what what are y-you do, doing? " He said in so much pain.

She stared at him with her non-existent eyes. " You broke my heart, so I'll Break yours! That will teach you to disrespect you food!"

Randy woke up from his bed breathing heavily, sweat had caked his face.

" What the juice??!! " he said he grabbed his chest feeling no pain he calm down and started breathing normally he looked at the red and black book still on the table.

" It was just a dream, Just a Honking Terrifying Nightmare! That I probably should had seen coming, 'specially cuz of mom's dumb steak joke." he said to himself. " Okay, it's okay just a dream. "

He settle back to bed but his eyes were wide open to scared to sleep he thought that if he sleeps he'll have another nightmare. Unable to sleep he grabbed the ninja mask under his pillow and held it tight. He felt more relaxed and drifted back to sleep, one with no nightmare.



A/n: So, how many of you guys have had a really scary nightmare and got too scared to sleep.

Anyway I written and finished a one shot story of Nomirandy in bad end friends universe check it out it's awesome!

So please vote, comment and follow. Peace out!

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