Chapter-8 A Couple of What?

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Day had came bring with it new elements as a result of the events that occurred last night.

Randy didn't get much sleep last night. He couldn't wrap his head around it. A girl had kissed his cheek, the very thought turned his face crimson red. He had felt this feeling before but not like this. He felt strange but happy. But not as happy as Nomi.

For her, she had achieved a near impossible feat. To steal a kiss on the cheek from the boy who she so admire and had deep feelings for. But the subconscious thought linger in her mind. What would Randy think of it? Would he be happy, confused maybe both? Surely he won't be angry or annoyed. She had left him so quickly that she didn't manage to catch a glimpse of his expression.

She didn't know if she could even face him now. Because of her impulsive action, it might affect their current relationship. They already possessed a strong, stable relationship. She hadn't thought of what would occur if Randy didn't return her feelings. The meer thought of it, torn her heart into pieces. But despite that she was still happy.

But there was someone more happier then the two people in the house. It was Randy's mom. She sat on the couch with cup of hot coffee in-between her hands. A crazy happy grin was plastered on her face. Nomi has to reach down and greeted the purple haired woman. Nomi was creeped to say the least and tried her hardest to ignore it.

A minute later Randy came down and also greeted his mother. He was also creeped by her grin." Mom, what are you doing? " he asked.

" Whatever do you mean, dear?" She replied in a sweet tone.

" Okay, why do you have the look of a deranged psychopath .... whose on a crazy amount of pills ...... and had just escaped a mental institution....and is about to break some more rules?"

" That's mean, honey." she said with a disappointed frown.

" Whatever you say, mom. " he
shrugged away.

" Wait. "

" What is it, mom? "

" When you say psychopath, you mean the good looking ones, right?" she asked genuinely curious.

" Not even gonna bother with that." Randy walked away and caught a glimpse of Nomi's bright red hair and gulped. He didn't know what to do at the moment.

Just then Nomi let out a scream in living room causing Randy to immediately rush to her side. He saw her blushing profoundly with her hands covering her mouth as she stares at the table in front of her. Or rather on top, which sat a framed photo. He was sure that there wasn't a photo placed there before.

" Nomi, what's wrong?" he asked worried. " What's the matter? "

" T-th That p-picture.. " she mumbled.

He walked closer to take a look at the picture to try and understand why Nomi was acting this way. " Why, what's wrong with- HOLY CHESSES!" he exclaimed.

Randy's mother walked over and stood right behind them with an even bigger smile on her face.

On the frame was the new printed power a certain Japanese red haired girl kissing the cheek of a surprised looking teenage boy with purple hair captured at the perfect moment.

" What the Juice is this?" he asked his mother loudly with turning red with embarrassment.

" I don't know, honey. You tell me~" she teased.

" I um I ah. " Randy was at a lost of words.

" I ah can totally explain. " said Nomi though that would be difficult. 'what am I supposed to say now? How can I possibly explain this. Hey, sorry for kissing your son's cheek.'

" There's no need to explain, dear. I'm just luck that I managed to capture that moment."

" Yeah, explain that to me, mom." he asked." What were you doing with a camera and why we you spying on us?"

" Oh, don't stress so much on the details."

" Mom, don't try to change the subject."

" No dear, this is me trying to change the subject." She said with a smile." You two make an adorable couple."

Both of them blushed deeply as Randy's mother called them a couple. Before Randy's mom could say anything else, he quickly got his book bag and headed towards the door.

" Nomi, come on. School's about to start." he smiled.

" Yes, I'm coming." She followed after him. After Randy went through the door, Nomi turned to the purple haired woman and asked shyly." Do we really look good together?"

" Yes, in every sense of the word." she answered smiling.

Nomi smiled gently while being red. She thanked the woman and went through the door. She looked down the street and saw the back of Randy's head, his bright purple hair. Smiling, she raced to him. Her happiness grew as she managed to close the distance.

Randy heard her coming from behind her and turned his torso and greeted her with a great big smile, a smile that made her heart skip a beat. She laid her hand across her chest. She returned his smile as they looked in to each other's eyes.

" Let's go." He said cheerfully.

" Yeah, let's."

On the way to the school they met up Howard who scowled at the sight of the red head but said nothing. Nomi felt the same towards the chubby teen and ignored him and focused more on being in the moment with Randy.

Upon reaching the school, Nomi felt a strange sick feeling in her stomach. She didn't understand why was the cause of the weird reaction until 'she' came. Violet hair bouncing around as she came close, yellow skirt flapping slowly. In a sweet gentle feminine tone said the words which ringed in Nomi's ears. Causing her eyes to widen.

" Hey, Randy." greeted Theresa in a friendly tone.


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