Chapter-7 Sweet Dreams

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After having the consumed the food, Nomi and Randy's mother began clearing the table and washing the plates. They engaged in a little chat, while Randy was preparing Nomi's room. The night had fully set in. The moon shone brightly in the stary night's sky.

Few minutes had passed when Randy came back down to inform her that her room was ready.

" Honey, do show Nomi to her room and be sure to tuck her in~" she teased giggling.

" Mom, stop seriously." He whinned, while Nomi was blushed in the background." Come on, let's go." He said to her cheerfully.

" S-sure." She shyly followed him to the bottom of the stairs but not before facing the purple haired woman and giving one last bow of the night.

She followed him up the stairs and to the second floor, her room was located right across Randy's room. Upon entering the room, Nomi was greeted with a strange feeling of nostalgia, the room itself was small yet very cozy and comfortable. With a bed laid out neatly for her.

" So what do you think?" He asked seeming nervous of her answer.

She turned to him, a gentle smile ran across her face as she said, " It's perfect. Thank you Randy."

Randy's smile grew as he heard those words. His heart felt warm, his body was light and his ears were red and his knees felt weak. Nomi went to sit down on the bed.

" So, Nomi?" Randy began." I don't really know anything about you, like what do you like to eat or how you became a book?"

" Well, I like eating grilled meat." She answered." But as to how I became The NinjaNomicon it's a difficult story to hear and to tell."

Randy saw her depressed expression. Her story must not be a happy one. Randy realize that he shouldn't have asked her that.

" Sorry, I shouldn't have asked." He apologized.

" It's okay, I understand if you're curious."

Deciding to lighten up the mood." So, grilled meat, really?"

"  well um you see, ah." She stammered. ' Why Did I Say That?!, I might as well have just said, I enjoy devouring raw flesh. Think of something!'. ".... me and my family would almost always eat vegetarian while meat was only for special occasions."

" Really?" He asked.

' If you mean 'really'  as in playing the pity card, then yes very much so.." She thought to herself.

" Well, meat is good source of nutritions, and we ninjas need to be at top form." She explained her case. It had caused an exchange of laughter.

' I am so just spiting out words, why do I suck at this?'

The purple haired teen had noticed the time that had passed and saw that they had been chatting for a while now.

" Well I gotta go now." He said." Sleep tight Nomi."

" Umm..." She had opened her mouth yet no words escaped her mouth.

For some unknown reason the words Randy's mother had spoken ' tuck her in'  slowly ranged in both their minds. Both had started to blush as they locked eyes. An uncomfortable silence descended.

On longer having a reason to be in the room past the usual bed time. Randy made his way to the room. " Good night." He said with a gentle smile. He then left, the door slowly creek as it was closed.

Moments after the teen had left, the room felt strangely cold. As if all the warmth had decided to escape with Randy. Nomi scanned the room once more, it felt so different. It was the same yet, distance and dark.

She lower her head and frowned. Her eyes were closed for a moment before she opened them. She stood from the bed and made her way to the door. Upon opening it she saw Randy's back facing her. He turned as soon his ears picked up movement from behind him. He was surprised to see Nomi behind him.

She had a hilarious blank look on her face. While Randy was confused. He called out to her.

" Nomi, is something wrong?" He asked.

She said nothing. Instead of responding she walked closer to him. Randy was getting weirded out, asked again." Are you okay?"

" Stand still." She ordered in a soft tone. Randy obeyed and stood still.

She came closer to him til they were inches apart. She leaned her head closer to his face. Randy's heart was racing faster than a motorcycle. So loud that anyone closes enough could hear.

Her lips came closer and closer til finally her lips had made contact with Randy's soft cheek. The purple haired teen stood as still as a statue while a girl was kissing his cheek. It had lasted for a short moment.

Nomi had then backed up. Her kind smiling face greetings Randy's innocent surprised expression.

" Nomi.. you.... I ...Ummm......" He tried to say something but before his words could form a proper sentence. Nomi promptly turned around, walked back into her room closed the door behind her. Leaving an extremely confused Randy out on the hall.

Even though his mind tried to comprehend what had just occurred. He felt happy. Both smiling and blushing as he opened the door to his room and went inside.

Back in Nomi's room. She leaned her back against the door. Her hands covering her face which was bright red. Sliding to the floor she was making strange happy noises. And now the room once again was filled with warmth again.

-------Bonus Scene-------

" Hehehehe." Giggled Randy's mother as she had a camera in her hand and had captured the beautiful moment. Her face had a crazy creepy grin.


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