Twisted Fate

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  • Dedicated to Loni Tra

AN: So, this is my first story and it might suck but...just keep reading!

This is the Main Character's FATHER's point of view This is not the main story. It'll all make sense later!

If you ever happen to like my story, vote, fan or comment. Please, give me feedback!

Thanks and enjoy!

P.S. This story is in process of editing so the chapters with this (✓) symbol will mean that it has already been edited.

- Jennifer.


<Ryan Lee's Point of View>

It's a cool, breezy day today with a hint of light spring rain...

As I walked through the damp street, cold raindrops trickled down my nose. 

About two minutes have passed before I begin to run with the rain pouring down on me. I cover my head with my jacket and pace through the drizzling rain. I try to figure out which way to go with the rain covering my sight. As I squint my eyes through the pouring water, I find a girl running down the street in my way with her hands over her head. After five measly seconds, I mentally slap myself for staring at the beautiful girl like a pervert. When I come back to my senses, I find that girl staring back at me with a confused  expression. Without thinking any further, I run up to the girl and put my jacket around her small head. 

As I look into her dazzling eyes, I felt my lips curving into a goofy smile. I felt really stupid for smiling like that in front of a girl. But, to my surprise, she smiled back at me. She has mesmerized me with her  beauty. That smile of hers gave me a warm and fuzzy feeling inside that tingled my whole body. Then I snapped back to reality. The girl was saying something but I couldn't understand it. I was too zoned out to make out  what she was saying. As I tried  to make sense of what's happening, the girl put her hands out for me to shake. Of course, I gladly took her hand and shook it. Yup, felt the tingling sensation again.

When we were done shaking hands, I found out that she was going the same way as me. So, I casually took the chance to get to know her better. I grabbed her hand and started walking. My hand was on fire for a few seconds until the girl pulled her hand back with surprise. I guess I was going too fast. I felt my face growing hotter from the embarrassment. As I tried to cover my blushing face in some sort of way, I found someone's hand grasp mine. I looked to see who it was...and it was the girl.

I felt  the spark in my hand once again.

I think this is like the third time now.

Then I realized the fact that I couldn't deny.

I was in love with her...

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