16-Was It Meant To Be?

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A.N: Hey guys! Another chapter for Twisted Fate!! Thank you all for reading my crappy story.  Well, enjoy!


Chapter 16- Was it Meant to be?

<Lauren's P.O.V.>


What a nightmare.

Was it even a dream?

Whoa, hold up.

Reality check, did Darren just break up with me? Oh my gosh. No, no wait. That can't be. Darren loves me. He possibly can't break up with me.

That's when I realized that Darren was walking out of my life. Literally, he was walking away from the bench that we were sitting on. No, please. Don't let him do this to me.

But of course, I can't deny the truth. Darren broke up with me.

After that, I lost control. Seriously, I did.

"I HOPE YOU DIE SLOWLY IN PAIN!!!! I HATE YOU, DARREN!" I screamed as loud as I can, hoping he can hear me. To be honest, I couldn't stand the fact that I said that to him. But I don't have anything to loose now. Who cares if I screamed out insane things at my ex-boyfriend?

I noticed something at that very moment.

Darren didn't care anymore. At least, that's what I thought. He just kept walking at the same pace. He didn't look back. Such a cold-hearted person. I can't believe I actually fell for him. 

I clenched my fists into a ball to keep all the anger inside of me. I really should work on my anger-issues. Seriously, it's killing me inside.

Snapping back to reality, I realized that I was alone now. Darren was out of sight. I guess he left already.


Thankfully, no one was around right now...I think.

I really had no idea of what was going on. My head was spinning and I felt like my body was paralyzed.

I was just locked up inside my own little world of nothing. How nice is that?

The sun was starting to go down and it was getting chilly. I shivered and rubbed my arms together in hopes of warming myself up. Of course, that never works.

"I better go home now" I said to myself.

Wow. Seriously? Now, I'm going back to my mental postion with the self-talking thing. Maybe I should go to one of those creepy mental hospitals and get treatments. But, what if the doctors lock me up in those rooms with see-through mirrors and invisible doors? Oh my gosh, what if they put those foam gloves on my hands so I don't hurt myself?

Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating a tiny bit. I just decided to put that insane thought away in my head and kept walking to my house.

I still didn't know the answer to my main-question.

Was Darren and I meant to be?

Or...maybe this was just another fairy-tale that never gets its Happy Ending.


Oh my...so...did you guise enjoy it? LOLL. Cause I sure did enjoy writing it. I feel really bad for Lauren. But you'll see what happens later on. c; Just wait until it comes.

Remember, if you ever happened to like it, COMMENT FAN AND VOTE!

Thanks a bunch for reading!

Kbye~ Jefferly. cx

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