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AN: Hi guys! Haven't updated in a while, so...here's the new chapter! This one might be a bit sad, compared to the other chapters that I did. Well, enjoy anyway :D


Chapter 15- Apologies.

<Lauren's P.O.V.>

Ha...It's been about 3 days since I saw Darren. I miss him a lot. I'm not even joking. But, the worst part of it is that my mom and his dad were...you know, in love with each other in the past. That would make things hard between me and Darren. What if he...decides to break up with me? No no no. Lauren, think of positive things. He loves you and you love him. That won't happen. At least, that's what I hoped for.

*Phone vibrates*

Hmm, who could've texted me at this time?

In curiosity, I picked up the phone and looked at the text.

To my surprise, it was from Darren. From my lovely Darren.

His text said, "Hey Lauren! Haven't talked to you in a while...Want to meet me at the coffee shop tomorrow at 5?".

Of course, I got crazy and hyper. My fingers started to go into the super-hyper texting zone.

I texted back as fast as I can and started to worry about what to wear tomorrow. A flowy dress? No, that's too fancy. A flirty skirt? Oh no no no, way too girly. How about...a nice graphic t-shirt and denim shorts..? Awesome.

Okay okay. Shoes. Vans? Converse? Toms?

Great, now I'm confused over shoes. Okay, you know what? Let's just go with Vans tomorrow.

When I figured out my outfit for tomorrow, I flopped down on the bed and went back to dreamland.

{The Next Day}

<Darren's P.O.V.>

I woke up to the birds singing in my backyard. Ah, what a wonderful morning. NOT. Today, is the day. And I'm totally not ready for it. Why is this happening to me? Ha...you know what? Let's just get it over with. 

And with that thought, I got ready to meet Lauren.

{5 P.M.- Coffee Shop}

I waited patiently for Lauren to come. I'm so nervous. I tried looking at my feet to take my mind off of this stupid situation. Nope. Definitley didn't work. That's when Lauren entered the shop. I looked up and smiled at her. Yup, she was definitley breath-taking.

"Hey Darren! It's so nice to see you again!" Lauren said in a bubbly tone.

"Hey Lauren! I missed you so much!" I said as I stood up to hug her tightly.

"Eeep! Really? I was literally dying to see you today" She said as she squirmed around, attempting to catch a breath from my grasp.

"Haha, seriously? I'm glad to hear that!" I said, trying to cover up what's going to happen to us soon.

After that, we just chilled out at the coffee shop, went out to the park for a walk. It was really all romantic and stuff. But, it would also be the worst part to me and Lauren's story.

The "Happy Ending".

Okay, how do I tell her? I feel so bad. Maybe I should commit suicide. That might get Lauren to forget about me. I really don't want to live in this world anymore.

More than a billion thoughts buzzed through my useless mind as Lauren and I walked around a park lake. 

I sighed silently in frustration. What am I going to do? Alright, that's it. I'm just gonna come right through and tell her.

"Lauren, I need to tell you something really important..." I said as I held her hands and sat down on a bench.

"Yeah? What is it?" She said in a curious voice.

I stuttered a bit but regained my control.

"Uh...Lauren, I feel extremely bad for doing this to you..." I said.

She didn't say anything yet.

"But...I think we have to...end our relationship...here" I said sadly.

"What? But...How come? I thought you loved me..." Lauren said in a disturbing tone.

"I'm really sorry, Lauren. But, I think it's for the best" I said as I got up from the bench.

Lauren was silent. No words came out of her mouth, but I could cleary tell that she was shocked.

I kept my head down and walked away. Then I whispered my final words to her...

"Baby, I'm sorry"



So, how was it? I know, it was short. But hey, at least this is better than NOTHING. :3

Remember, Comment, fan and vote!

Thanks guise! Love you all :D

Kbye~ Jefferly.

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