14-The Truth Untold.

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  • Dedicated to Loni Tra

Hey guys! Haven't updated in like...5 days? Sorry for the delay. I was mustering up some ideas for the chapter. Mustering. That's a weird word. Anyway, enjoy this chapter!!


Chapter 14-The Truth Untold

<Darren's P.O.V.>

I texted Lauren this morning to tell her something extremely important. I wanted her to meet my parents. And I wanted to meet her parents as well. Hmm, where should we all meet? Oh, maybe that restaurant called "The Palace" would be good. Is it too fancy? Oh what the heck. I bet every parents in this world likes fancy places. Good thing I'm rich. I laughed at myself for even saying that. I felt like a spoiled brat. Well technically I am one. Where am I going with this stupid conversation in my head? I really got to stop doing this.

I shook away my stupid thoughts and waited for Lauren's text. I lied on the couch and stared at the black T.V. screen. How long has it been since I last saw her? I counted with my fingers. Doo doo doo...About a week now I guess. I sighed in frustration. I miss Lauren so badly. I re-winded my thoughts back to our first date. Then a ring from my phone brought me back to the real world. I looked at the screen and got butterflies in my stomach. Lauren texted me back! Oh, and she wants out parents to meet as well? This is awesome.

I replied back fast and smiled. I'm finally going to meet her parents. The creators of the love of my life. I'm so grateful that I get to date a girl like Lauren. What did I do to deserve a girl like her? I smiled again when I saw a new text message from Lauren. Hmm, she wants to meet today at 3 P.M.? Mother and father aren't busy today right? So...3 P.M. it is. Fantastic.

I checked my watch and it was nearly 2 o' clock. Eh, I still got some time. I quickly grabbed a chicken  salad sandwich from the kitchen counter and ate it. Then, I gulped down a bottle of water. I laughed at the thought of seeing Lauren today. Ha, I better get fresh and clean! And with that thought, I ran upstairs to the bathroom and took a shower. I was in tip-top shape when I came out. I looked into the mirror and flashed a smile to it. Dashing. Ha-ha, maybe I just love myself too much.

I got dressed into a black suit with black shoes. I spritzed some cologne onto my wrists and my neck. A smelly man never leaves a good impression. Before I headed out the door, I checked myself out one more time in front of the full-size mirror. Fantastic. Then I was off to the restaurant.

When I walked into the restaurant, I looked around and surveyed the area. Hmm, seems fancy enough and the food should be pretty decent. Good. I checked in for my reservation and sat down at my table. I looked up at the old-fashioned clock. It was almost 3. I'm so nervous right now. I tapped my foot quietly as I tried counting sheeps in hopes of forgetting about time. 1 sheep, 2 sheeps, 3 sheeps. Nope, that does not work. It never does.

 My mouth was like a desert even though unnecessary saliva kept overflowing by my nervousness. I tried drinking water to tone down my stupid saliva. Gross, this is so not my style. When I put the glass down, I realized that I actually drank all of my water. Aw man, now it's dehydration? What's wrong with me today? I was too nervous to think of anything, so I just popped a couple of breath mints into my mouth. But even the mints failed at calming my nerves down. My stomach kept flopping up and down. And that is so not a good feeling.

As I stared at my empty glass of ex-water, my father came in. I cleared my throat and walked up to him.

"Hello father. Let's have a seat over there" I said as I gestured him to our table.

He just nodded stubbornly and sat down. But then, Father cleared his throat and spoke.

"So son, who's this girl that you're in love with so much? You really must like her if you want me to see her and her parents" Father said as he crossed his arms in front of his chest.

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