Chapter Four

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I had my hand on the doorknob, but I was afraid to turn it. I felt the morning sun beating down on me but that wasn't the cause of the sweat that was beading on my forehead. I was afraid to enter this house and find the man that I was the closest to...dead...but not dead.

Today it would be real. Yesterday it happened, but today reality was going to smack me hard in the face. Sure we had lost people along the way, and except for Lori, not someone as close to me as Daryl. Herschel was the last important person I had lost.

Between the prison being destroyed and all of our group splitting up and running for our lives, I barely had time to mourn him. He was a good man. His wisdom helped guide me through some dark times. He didn't deserve to die the way he did and neither did Daryl.

I tried to turn the knob again to the front door, but it was slick under my sweaty palm. I wiped my hand on my pants and when I went to try again, I was stopped by a hand on my shoulder.


I knew by her touch it was her.

"He didn't want anyone see."

"I figured so much, but I'm here for you. I'm not going to let you do this alone. We're a team, Rick. In everything. Even this."

I needed her here more than she could know. I had done so many things these last few years that I never expected I would or could do. Killing a man in cold blood was easy, but it shouldn't be. It was a way of life now, but it was something I had been trained to prevent. Not cause.

Now I had to kill again. And having her by my side was a relief. I needed Michonne with me and I'm sure that Daryl would understand. Plus, she was much easier on the eyes than Abraham.

"Thanks," I told her forcing a smile. "Let's get this over with."

This time the door opened and I carefully stepped inside. Just because I left Daryl behind a closed door, didn't mean he stayed there. I had my hatchet in my hand ready for anything. Michonne was right behind me with her sword up. The downstairs was empty.

"Where did you leave him?" she whispered to me.

"Upstairs," I said indicating with a nod of my head. "Bedroom top of the stairs."

I gripped the banister with my left hand and put one foot on the bottom step. My heart was beating rapidly as I took a step up, then another. All too soon we were outside the door. I leaned an ear closer to listen.


I made sure Michonne was ready. Daryl was always a force to be reckoned with. He was strong and smart but as a walker...I wasn't sure what to expect. Slowly I turned the door handle. I wanted the element of surprise to be on our side for a change. The door swung open and my eyes immediately went to the body on the bed.

Daryl was lying face down. Not a muscle twitched as we both stepped into the room. I'm not sure why, but I called his name out. Nothing happened.

Michonne and I looked at each other with confusion. It had been at least twenty hours, maybe more since he was bitten. He should have turned by now, but it didn't look like he had. Because if he did he'd be growling and snarling at me and Michonne and he wasn't.

"We need to turn him over to see if he's...gone," Michonne whispered what I was thinking.

I nodded that I agreed with her and we made our way over to the bed. The hatchet went back on my hip as I was going to need two hands to turn him over. Michonne was ready with her sword. I reached out and grabbed Daryl by his hip and shoulder and quickly flipped him over. I jumped back in case he came at me, but he didn't.

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