Chapter Thirteen: Daryl

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I was flying down this deserted roadway faster than I should be. Dust and leaves were tumbling through the air behind me and the unknown was up ahead. This was when I could think the best, but it was also hard to do that while keeping an eye out for walkers. High speed and the dead didn't actually mix that well, but I was doing it.

Confusion. That what's was driving me crazy. After I left Taylor, I headed back to my room. That seemed like the best place to go to figure out what the hell had just happened.

She kissed me on the cheek. An innocent soft kiss it should have been, so why was I reading more into it than that? Why did I want it to be more? That was my problem. I wanted more from her and I knew that had a snowball's chance in hell of happenin'. I was getting worked up over nothing.

Taylor was certainly pretty. I didn't really catch that at first, but she was when she didn't look so scared. She was the type of pretty that had no business being with me. There was a gentle innocent quality about her that told me to stay away.

She was smart and I didn't even graduate high school. Where I was tough, she was soft. She always looked scared and there wasn't nuthin' that did that to me no more.

But when I looked at her all close up after she kissed my damn cheek, I saw eyes that spoke to me. Eyes that were tired of being lonely like I was. I wanted to toss her glasses aside and pull her hair out of that damn librarian's bun while smashing my mouth to hers.

Instead, I walked away.

And now I was running or make that technically it was riding away.

Riding was where I did my best thinking. I don't know what it was about Taylor that interested me. She shouldn't. I know it had been a couple of weeks since I first saw her when she looked at me like I was the devil. I knew I kinda scared her, I did that to a lot of people here. The look she gave me surprised me. It was an odd combination of loneliness and desire.

No one's ever looked at me like that before.

And I ain't never been with a girl like that before...a nice girl. I had no business getting involved with someone like her. It would be best if I just stayed away from her and kept my dick in my pants. It's been itching to get out, but she couldn't be the one. Too many times I didn't give a shit who I fucked, but I did now. She wasn't a nameless face in a bar. I couldn't fuck around as I did in the past.

Not to mention, that once she realized what a dick I really was she'd want nuthin' to do with me. She was just too good and I wasn't.

That's it. My mind is made up and I need to steer clear of Taylor. It's just as simple as that.

And with that, I knew I could ride to ride. Feel the wind on my face while the miles piled up under my wheels. It didn't put me in a better mood, but at least I knew what I was doing. At least I hoped I did.

I rode around for about another hour before I thought to head back. I was slowing the bike down so I could turn around when I saw a couple of walkers stumbling out of the woods that lined the road. Man, I was getting tired of them. Then as I started to make the turn in the road, the couple of walkers turned a whole hell of a lot more.

I didn't hesitate to get turned around, but what I didn't realize was what was going on behind me. It took me a split second to realize that if I didn't act fast I was going to be in a heap of trouble. It was like walkers were materializing out of nowhere. I looked for a way out and my options were slim.

This is what I get for not paying attention. The bike couldn't run these assholes over like a car could, but at least I could do so fast maneuvering around them. There was less ahead of me so instead of turning around like I was about to do, I went straight. Well, not so straight since I was zig-zagging around all these fuckers.

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