Chapter Seventeen: Daryl

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I had spent half the night trying to come to a decision, which was stupid because I knew what it was gonna be. I just was afraid to admit it. As long as it would be safe for my kid, I'd do it. Talk about having the existence of the whole female population resting on my shoulders. No pressure there at all, right? If me having a daughter would save them, how could I do anything but have that kid?

Alexandria gave us much more security than when Lori was pregnant. We were on the run back then and moving not just day to day, but hour to hour. Her having Judith in a walker-infested prison was not near the same as having a baby here. We had medical care and walls to hide behind now. This was as safe as it could get in this day and age.

So I was gonna do it. The bonus of having the baby was in the trying to make it. That meant sex. Hopefully, lots of sex with Taylor. I didn't know the last time I had seen a naked woman or touched one. It was gonna be weird at first, but I was hoping once we got going, it would be just two people getting it on.

I didn't know where or when it was gonna be, but now that I had made up my mind, the sooner the better. I was raring to get laid.

And not just with anyone.

I wanted Taylor.

I wanted her hair down and glasses off. I had sneaked peeks at her tits. They weren't overly big, but not too small either. Yeah, I wanted to fuck her bad. And yeah, I was thinking with my dick right now.

And now I had another hard-on. It was like my fourth one since I left her room yesterday. Every time I thought about her naked, my dick responded. It was late morning and I wanted to go tell her my decision, but until this damn thing went down, I couldn't do nuthin'.

I walked over to the window and looked outside. I could see a good portion of Alexandria from my room. My kid could grow up here. I had no idea if Taylor would want to stay with me at all. But I hadda try. This was close to what I had been thinking about the day I got bit. Who woulda thought that ended up being one of the best things that ever happened to all of us.

Finally, with my hard-on had gone, I headed down the stairs to go find Taylor. I wanted to tell her first, and then we could tell Rick and the others.

The humidity hit me the second I stepped outside. Days like this I hated living in the south, but I couldn't imagine living anywhere else. It was all I knew, but that didn't mean I had to like it.

I made my way slowly over to Taylor's house. Each step my heart started racing faster and faster. I was nervous, I shouldn't be but I was. Wasn't like I was gonna ask her out on a date and expect a no from her. We were skipping the dating part and going right to the sex part. This leading up to it was where the nerves kicked in. Big time nerves. You woulda thought I was a teenage kid losing my virginity.

I had my head down going up the front steps and didn't see her until I was at the door. "Oh, hey."

"Hey," she said back to me with a timid smile. "Looking for me?"

"Yeah, I made up my mind."

She pointed to the empty chair near her, "Why don't you sit down?"

"Naw, I'm good." Instead, I leaned up against the porch railing. "I'm gonna do it. I gotta do it. And...ah, thanks."

"Thanks for what?" she asked.

That's when my eyes met hers and I finally relaxed. "For it being you. You...volunteered didn't ya?"

The blush that spread across her cheeks made me smile. She didn't even have to tell me, but I knew she stepped forward. I don't know why, but I was glad that she did. "Like I said...thanks."

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