Chapter Twenty-One: DARYL

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I knew Taylor was gonna hate me. Hell, I hated me. I took off and didn't say a word to her, but my head got too full of stuff going on that I needed to work through. The only way I can do that is on my motorcycle.

The day is already hot, but it helps being on the bike. I have a route I like to ride that I can go pretty fast on and it's open enough that I can watch for walkers easily. The miles start to slide by as I try to figure out what the hell is going on.

When Taylor and her perfect naked ass walked into the bathroom, it was like I got sucker punched in the gut. The enormous responsibility that's been put on me, just hit. Not only was I having off the damn charts sex with a woman I had no business being with, but we were trying to make a baby to save the whole fuckin' world.

No pressure at all. Yes, I can be a sarcastic son of a bitch sometimes.

So that's when I started to pace the room. Not even thinking about Taylor soaping up her hot body in places that should have had my dick standing up...again, did anything. Me wanting more from her scared the shit outta me, not to mention having a kid too was just too much.

So I ended up doing what I always did, it just took me longer...I ran. Straight to my bike and out the front gate before she could stop me. Miles were passing under my tires, but my head wasn't getting any clearer.

Taylor is not who I thought she was when I first met her. Knowing what she has been through is giving me a much better perspective on who she is. Me of all people should know better than to rush to judgment on someone. I had that happen to me my entire life. Guilt by association. I was a Dixon, so of course, I had to be white trash like the rest of my family. It sucked growing up.

I judged Taylor to be weak and useless, but she wasn't. She may not be able to fight like the rest of us, however, she had the smarts that I didn't have and she solved the puzzle that the top scientists in the damn world couldn't - how to stop the disease that made us turn into walkers.

Strangely enough, the answer was me.

The emotional strength she has impressed me the most. We talked a lot with our time together, sure we fucked a lot too, but we also talked. Hell, I needed time to recover, right?

Talking ain't something I do a lot of. It was easy opening up to her and I've never had that before. Surviving what her fuckin' loser of a husband did to her kids could break anyone, but it didn't break her. And with having that broken leg that didn't heal right she should be dead. She couldn't run to escape the walkers, but somehow made her way here to Alexandria and she's alive.

The woman I was with last night was out of my league...far out. I can't believe that she had such a loser of a husband. Taylor is so fuckin' hot how could guys not see that? How did I not see it? Sure she hides it under those glasses and with her hair pulled up tight, but that girl is smokin' hot.

And the sex, holy fuck that was good. No not just good, but probably the best I ever had. I never let myself get into a situation like that before and I mean sober and wanting more than a quick fuck. I even spent the night with Taylor and I enjoyed it. Waking up next to a warm naked body was nice, especially when it was her body.

This is what I thought I could be looking for...what Rick and Michonne have, what Glenn and Maggie have. That's what I had been thinking about when I got bit, but now that it may be an option, I was running scared.

And that probably has Taylor hating me right now.

The other thing that has me tied up in knots is the having to make a baby to save the damn world. Why me? Why was I the one to come up immune? How did that huge responsibility become solely mine? I'm an uneducated crude redneck who somehow has become the only person we know that can save the world from dying off. Hell, I've already saved the guys, so now we are trying to make a baby girl to help the women. If we only have men left then there won't be any babies to populate the world. So yeah, the fate of civilization falls on me.

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