1 - Dudley

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"Its so frickin' hot out." You say, shoving your (s/c) hands into your red short pockets. Today, you have dressed yourself in your summer clothes. Red shorts, a white tank top, and hand me down white shoes from Pentunia. You now walk over yellow fields that the sun beats down on, kicking rocks on a dirt path as a line of three bikers roll past you.

"Really? I thought it was snowing." Harry Potter replies from your side. Your adoptive brother is dressed in a white t-shirt, old sneakers, and jeans that are a bit too big. Yes, the Dursleys hate that they took you in often. In fact, every summer they ensure your lives are miserable. Which is why you are out walking on this last week of summer, avoiding them as well as the muggle town off in the distance behind you.

"Lets just take a break, over there." You point to a nearby playground where a mother and her three children play. Harry nods, and you take a short cut through tall brown grass and rest on the rusty red swings.

You sit there, staring at your feet and making small talk with Harry for a while. Eventually, the small family leaves. You slowly fade from the talk with Harry, coming to a point where you braid your (h/c) strands into a fishtail in a content silence.

"Oh look, its the runts!" You turn your head up, your braid falling over your shoulder. Standing in front of the swings with a few other large boys around him is Dudley Dursley, Harrys -and technically your- cousin.

"Hey, what should we do with 'em Big D?" You snort as one of his goons adress him that way, mainly at what it insinuates.

"Big D? Nice nickname." You say, pulling your hands together in front of you and resting your elbows on your thighs. "To me you'll always be Ikkle Duddicums."

Harry laughs at your joke, being it is what Pentunia, Dudleys mother, always calls him. Dudleys face turns as red as your shorts as some of his friends snicker. Clearly they are all spoiled brats. Finally, Dudley comes up with something to say to you.

"Tough girl, huh?" He asks, taking a step closer to the swings. Harry looks between the two of you, ready to jump at any moment. "You arent so tough in your sleep, are ya?"

"What?" You ask, raising an unamused eyebrow. You notice the sun setting, has it really been that long?

"I heard you crying in your sleep last night!" You tense, your (e/c) orbs widening as Harry rests a hand on your shoulder to calm you down. The Durlsey boy then starts to imitate your crys as he paces on the wood chip ground. "Noo! Dont kill Cedric! No! Mom, Mom, help me! Boo-hoo! Hes going to kill me! Help! Draco, help me!"

You stare up at the fat boy, your eyes growing damper than they should be. You feel your breathing pick up as you think of Cedric.

"Where is your mother, huh? Is she dead? Yours too Potter! Where are they?"

"Shut up, Dudley." Harry warns, his hand on the wand in his pocket. Dudley laughs, crossing his arms.

"Why should I? Cedric! Mom! Theyre. All. Dead." Each word seems to pierce your heart, and you go rigid. A cold tear slips down your face, evening out the temperature as the suns rays leave the nearly burnt. As soon as the plump boy says the word 'dead', Harry stands from his swing and pulls out his wand. He practically runs at Dudley, sticking it beneath his chin.

"Shut up!" Harry shouts as you wipe your face and sniff. The boys around them begin to murmur, and you look up to the sky. The sun has vanished, replaced by a blanket of steel clouds. Except, the clouds seem to form from one spot, as if they are an upside down tornado. The wind picks up speed, and a chill runs down your spine. The boys that followed Dudley run off, and you breath through your mouth. It produces frost.

"Harry....." You say, looking to the blanket as it spreads across the sky, covering what was once light. Dudley looks to Potter, who still holds his wand beneath the Dursleys chin.

"What are you two doing?!" He cries, looking between you and your shaggy raven haired brother. You shake your braided head.

"This isnt us." Harry puts his wand away, and you check to see if your spiral white wand is still in your pocket. It is, and you stare up at the clouds.

"Run!" The three of you bolt down the dirt path, splashing through a few puddles. Your old white shoe hits one, and it crashes through the already frozen surface. Still, you continue to sprint alongside the two boys, and you are in the front to keep pace as you are the fastest. Not soon enough, you come to a hill. It has a stone tunnel beneath it, which the path continues through and a highway rolls over. You all slow to a stop inside of it, catching your icy breath.

You place your hands on your (s/c) knees, which are splattered with mud. You bend over, but as you lean up you stare at the flickering yellow lights that line the iron roof. An ice begins to creep over them, and you gasp.

"Dementors!" You exclaim. You turn around, searching for danger which comes to you. Two dementors swoop into the tunnel, one grabbing your neck and pinning you against the wall and the other doing the same to Harry. They open their mouths wide, and you turn your head to Dudley.

"Dudley!" You shout, your voice strained as you call to the boy on the nearby ground. "Run!"

He listens, and he waddles down the corridor. As he does, he slips on the ice coated ground, falling onto his back. Another Dementor swoops in, hovering over him and beginning to suck out his soul. The same goes for you and Harry. The Dementors open their mouths, or the holes in their skeletal black faces, and breath inwards. Streaks of (s/c), (h/c), and (e/c) come from your face as you cry out, the pain excruciating. You hear a clatter and the cast of a spell, and then the words 'Expecto Patronum!'

Suddenly, the floating, cloaked figure that pins you to the wall is cast aside, and you drop to your knees, gasping for air. An iridescent stag prances down the tunnel, holding off the two Dementors. Its Harrys patronus. You grab the moonstone hilt of your own spiral wand.

"Expecto Patronum!" You shout the spell, and a white ships escapes your wand. The light quickly forms into a lioness, dashing at the third Dementor which sucks out Dudleys life force. It grabs it, then flies past the highway above, banishing the Dementors.

You pocket your wand, and Harry runs over to you. He grabs your bare arm, pulling you up. You give him a thumbs up as you heave, then walk over to the clearly weak Dursley on the frigid stone ground. As you reach him, you crouch to the ground. You put a hand to his forehead, and Harry starts to shake him. Suddenly, you hear a whirring noise in the tunnel.

You both spin around, seeing an old woman with hollow cheeks, tan skin, gray hair, and a raincap and coat standing at the end of the tunnel. Behind her she pulls a bucket on wheels as she hobbles toward you. You recgonize her as the neighbor across the street, and quickly turn your body so your pocketed wand is hidden. Harry does the same.

"Dont hide your wands. They may come back." The woman says, growing closer. You raise an eyebrow, thinking that Mrs.Figgs is a muggle. Still, that effects nothing as she assists you to hoist Dudley on your shoulder.

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