4 - Padfoot

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You rush down the stairs of the house, being that the meeting has just concluded. As you reach the bottom step, you are omce again greeted by Molly Weasley.

"We'll be having dinner now." She says, smiling. You would say something, but the twins appear behind her as well, startling their mother.

"Oh! Just because you can use magic outside of school doesnt mean you need to whip out your wand every second!" She moves, chasing her twin sons. They laugh as they run away, and you turn to the doorway to the kitchen. Standing there, blocking your entrance of course, are your two favorite people in the world. Remus Lupin, and your father.

"(Y/N)." Sirius says, spreading his arms wide. You beam, wrapping your arms around his purple vest and black coat.

"Father!" You bury your face in his chest, holding him as close as you can. You see Lupin smiling down at you, and you reach your open arm up to him. You grab his shirt, pulling him into the hug. You gesture for Harry to join, and in the end it is a group wrapped in each others arms containing you, Sirius, Harry, and Lupin. A family. A proper one.

*Time Skip*

You sit at a long table, one that is lain with what food could be provided. A loaf of bread rests a few feet from you, and as you have already eaten the main course of steak Molly is at the counter making dessert. You sit near the farthest end, where Sirius sits at the head of the table next to you. On your left is Harry, and across sits Lupin. The rest are scattered about, of course with the twins sitting side by side.

"It seems your hearing at the Ministry is to be in front of the entire Wizengamot." You set down your half empty glass of pumpkin juice, then look to your father in frustration. Harry beats you to speaking as you swallow the almost opaque liquid.

"I dont understand. What does the Ministry have against us?" Sirius leans back in his chair, towards Moody who is standing behind him.

"It isnt so much you as it is (Y/N). Show them. They'll find out soon enough." Kingsley stands, his blue and purple robes swaying as he hands you the Daily Prophet. There is a picture of you in the checkered shirt you wore in the maze at the Tri-Wizard tournament. The title reads, 'Black?' The heading then shifts to replace the question with the new one, 'Hack?' You glare at the parchment, tossing it onto the long table before you.

"He's been attacking Dumbledore as well. Fudge is using all his power, including his influence at the Daily Prophet... to smear anyone who claims the Dark Lord has returned." You look over at Lupin, realizing they would target you. You saw Voldemort, hell you fought him! Of course, this means Harry will get a break from being the 'boy who lived', which means you will once again be the main attraction. 'The girl who lived', a liar.

"Why?" You ask the simple question, to which Sirius responds. You hear Molly Weasley begin to chop vegetables more forcefully, clearly a warning.

"He may think Dumbledore wants his job." Sirius says, stroking his facial hair in thought.

"Thats insane. No one in their right mind would think that-"

"Exactly." You stare at Lupin, who has interrupted your rant. "Fudge isnt in his right mind.It's been twisted and warped by fear. Now, fear makes people do terrible things, (Y/N). The last time Voldemort gained power... he almost destroyed everything we hold most dear. Now he's returned, and I'm afraid the minister will do almost anything... to avoid facing that terrifying truth."

When Lupin had mentioned the last time He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named the room seemed to dull. Sirius looked down, as if in reflection. Moody turned around to face the wall. Even you felt a strange weight on your shoulders.

"We think Voldemort wants to build up his army again." Sirius says, resting his onyx fur sleeves on the table. "Fourteen years ago, he had huge numbers at his command. And not just witches and wizards, but all manner of dark creatures. He's been recruiting heavily, and we've been attempting to do the same. But gathering followers isn't the only thing he's interested in. We believe... Voldemort may be after something." You listen more intently as he is clearly mentioning something of great importance to the room.

"Sirius." You hear Molly warn, though it seems not to faze your father as he continues, looking directly in your (e/c) eyes.

"Something he didnt have last time."

"You mean like a weapon?" He nods, and as he parts his lips once more Molly slams her knife on the counter and rushes over.

"Thats enough! Theyre just kids!" You pull to attention that she included Harry in this as she grabs the newspaper from the table and crumples it up. "Say anymore and you may as well induct them into the order!"

"Good!" You say, slamming a hand down onto the wood in front of you. "If a war is to start I want to help!"

"We want to fight!" Harry exclaims, looking at Molly. You turn to your father, who smiles smugly as he throws his arms out in an 'I-Told-You-So' gesture.

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