3 - Order

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You glide to the ground, having just finished a rather long flight. Everyone dismounts their brooms, and you allow your wings to collapse back into your skin. You are human once more as the group of you stop on the sidewalk. Moody pounds his walking stick on the ground three times, and you watch at the marvel that follows.

The set of apartments that are in front of you spread apart, more bricks forming in the alley that seperates them. No muggle in the bordering houses seems to notice as an entirely new building appears, though it looks identical to the long line of brick flats that are on both sides. A wrought iron gate pops up from the ground, welcoming you into the new, obviously magical building.

"After you." Moody says, gesturing for yourself and Harry to go into the house. You smile as you walk in with your brother at you side.

*Time Skip*

You walk down walls with plum wallpaper, though it is faded and has an elegant design. The floorboards are made of a dark oak, and for some odd reason it feels as if you are meant to be here. You unwrap your flannel from your waist and throw the red jacket onto your shoulders as the group of older people push past you and down the dark halls.  Tonks pushes Harry to the side, winking at him. You giggle, but then look down the narrow walls that are on your sides when you hear voices. You cant make out much of what they are saying, but you know it involves You-Know-Who and his attempt on your life.

You follow the group, with Harry walking next to you. They all walk into a dining room, with many witches and wizards sag along the table. You can only make out the faces of two from the doorway. Everyone goes quiet as the two who are in your line of sight spot you and Harry. Remus Lupin sits at the table, staring at a man with wavy black hair and a curled mustache. The man stares at you, locking with youe (e/c) eyes. Your father, Sirius Black. Remus, who was staring intently at your dad, notices his gaze and turns to you as well. Your breath hitches as Harry goes rigid, seeing the two men who are so dear to your hearts. None of you know what to do, so you all just stare with blank faces.

"Harry, (Y/N)!" The door to your loved ones is suddenly shut, and a middle aged woman with frizzy orange hair greets you.

"Missus Weasley!" You and Harry say in sync. She wraps her arms around the two of you, and you are pulled into her yellow dress. She lets you go, then places a hand on your right cheek and Harrys left.

"Heavens you're both alright. I'm afraid dinner will have to wait until the meeting is over."


"Nope!" She says, cutting off your argument of seeing your father. Its been a year! Cant she understand? Still, the sweet woman pushes you and Potter up the nearby staircase. "No time to explain. Up the stairs you go, first door to the left."

You go up the elegant brown stairs, seeing that there are many, many stories to this house. You stop at the next one, turning into the room as adressed by Mrs.Weasley.



Ron latches onto you and Hermione envelopes Harry in a hug. Over the ginger boys shoulder you can see that you are in a fancy room with drapes over a bed. A large mirror sits over a dresser, and you find that much of this house has been to your taste.

"You must tell us everything." Hermione says as she and Ron back away from you. "And this hearing at the Ministry! Its outrageous! Ive looked it up. They simply cant expel the two of you. Its unfair!" You cross your arms as Ron nods in agreement.

"Yeah, there seems to be alot of that going on at the moment. What is this place?" You ask, walking towards the bed. Harry stays next to Ron and Hermione as you look around the bedroom.

"Its headquarters." Ron says, gesturing around him. Hermione sighs, then further explains to you and Harry.

"Of the Order of the Phoenix. Dumbledore formed it back when he fought Voldemort." You narrow your eyes, looking to your two close friends.

"Couldn't have included any of this in a letter? We've gone all summer without any news." You say, pointing between yourself and your brother. He nods, obviously frustrated himself. Hermione takes a few steps towards you, but your glare stops her.

"We wanted to write, we really did." Ron says, looking desperately between Harry and yourself.

"Then why didn't you?" Potter asks, running a hand through his raven hair. Hermione shakes her brown fuzz, biting her pale lip.

"Dumbledore made us swear not to tell you anything." You drop your (s/c) arms from their crossed position. You turn to look directly at Hermione, and she fidgets as your (e/c) eyes swirl to an auburn shade and your pupils become like a cats.

"Dumbledore said that?" Harry asks, creasing his eyebrows. You pick up his words with a very angry tone.

"But why would he keep us in the dark? Maybe I could help. I'm the one who saw Voldemort return... the one who fought him, who saw Cedric murdered!" You ball your hands into fists, ready to punch just about anything before two weights are placed on your shoudlers.

"(Y/N)!" The voices of Fred and George sat in unison, placing their hands on your shoulders. Your eyes fade back to a (e/c) and your pupils round. "Though we heard your dulcet tones!"

"Dont bottle it up though, mate. Let it all out!" You shake your head at Georges words, turning to them as they sit on a nearby bed. Of course they appeared behind you, they're seventeen. They can use magic out of school, and you know they are going to abuse the power. Honestly, youre excited for what mischief you may conjure.

"But if you want to hear something more interesting....." You turn to Fred, grinning slyly. In moments, you and every other teen upstairs is hanging on the guardrail that seperates the second floor and the bottom. Fred holds a wire, which is lowered to the bottom of the stairs below you. An ear is hooked on the end, and a cup connects to the side that Fred holds up. It works like a speaker, providing you with the words of what those in the kitchen are saying.

"If anyone has the right to know, its (Y/N) and Harry!" Sirius says. "If it werent for her, we wouldnt even know Voldemort was back. Harry has done much for the wizarding world as well."

The ear cuts off, having moved too far from the dark oak door. Fred steadies it, and you swing back to bits of the conversation.

"They arent children anymore." Mrs. Wealsey states.

"Well they arent adults either." You roll your eyes, having heard your dads words loud and clear through the hanging earlobe.

"Hes not James, Sirius. And she isnt you."

"Well Harry isnt your son! But (Y/N) is my daughter, I have a say in this."

"Well what else does Harry have?" Molly asks, though you cant see her expression through the ear.

"He's got me." You beam at your fathers words, knowing he loves you and Harry both very much.

"How touchingly parental, Sirius." Your eyes widen at the new, deep, crackly voice. Still, it is incredibly familiar.

"Snape is part of the Order?" You ask, looking to the many Weasleys around you.

"Perhaps (Y/N) will grow up to be a felon, just like her father." You growl at Snapes words, feeling your lungs burning with rage.

"Shut up, Snivellus." You giggle at your fathers nickname for you potions teacher. Wow, do you have such things in common.

"Git." Snape replies, seemingly his best insult. Suddenly, the ear that provided you information cuts off. You look down, seeing the ear attached to the string being played with. An orange striped cat bats at the body part, and you glare at it. All of you that hover at the top of the stairs lean over the edge, shouting for Crookshanks, Hermiones pet, to stop messing with the ear. It does nothing as he bites it, running away with the skin.

"I hate your cat, Hermione."

Order of the Phoenix//Draco X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now