6 - Originals

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Draco is finally in this chapter!

You walk briskly next to Moody and Harry in the train station. Its been a few days since the hearing, and you are no longer expelled. Thank goodness for your temper. As you walk down a tiled staircase in your red sneakers, skinny jeans, and loose black t-shirt with a spider symbol on it, you hear a repetition of small footsteps. You glance down, seeing a large black dog running down the stairs.

"Padfoot!" Moody calls to your fathers animagus form. "You'll blow our cover!"

You smile as the dog walks into a room with glass walls, only they are made so that you can barely see through the frosty texture. Padfoot opens the door, walking in. You look to see his shadow morph from a dog to a man behind the opaque glass. You pull open the door, bringing Harry inside with you as Professor Moody guards the room; which you see is full of seats for those waiting for their trains. Luckily, it is unoccupied except for your father who is sitting down in a long black bath robe. Obviously what he shifted into as he was once a dog with a thick shadow of fur.

"Dad!" You say, pulling Harry over with you to sit next to the man. "What are you doing here? If somebody sees you...."

"Oh, whats life without a little risk?" He says, smiling. He pulls something out of his robe, revealing a moving photograph to you. "Besides, I had to see you off."

You stare down at the photo, seeing it is that of many witches and wizards. Though its in black and white, you easily make out their faces. Its as if you are really there.

"Anyway, I wanted you to have this." He says, holding out the photo of the many wizards. He then points to one woman in particular. "Original Order of the Phoenix. Marlene McKinnon. She was killed two weeks after this was taken. Voldemort wiped out her entire family. Frank and Alice Longbottom."

"Neville's parents." Harry says, looking to the woman with a pixie cut and a man with loving eyes.

"They suffered a fate worse than death, you ask me. Bellatrix LeStrange tortured them, preformed the cruciatus curse. Her parents were close to the Black family, but thank Merlin she isnt related to us." Sirius says, glancing over to you. "It's been 14 years. And still a day doesn't go by I don't miss them."

You look down at the paper, seeing your father eyes lingering on four people in particular. Obviously three of them are Lily and James Potter, next to them your dad. Next to him, with Sirius' arm wrapped around her, is a woman. She has (m/h/c) hair and (m/e/c) eyes with gorgeous (m/s/c) skin. Your mom. You smile at her, and she seems to return the grin as her moving picture looks up at your father.

"Do you really think there is going to be a war, Sirius?" Harry asks, looking at his godfather with the tattoo on his partially revealed chest. He looks down, running a hand through his wavy black hair.

"It feels like it did before." He bites his lip, holding out the photograph to you and Harry. "You keep it. I suppose you're the young ones now."

You smile, pocketing the image. You look between your adoptive brother and your father, smiling at both of them. You pull Sirius into a hug, which Harry quickly joins.

"See you soon, Dad."

*Time Skip*

You walk down platform 9 3/4, walking next to Harry. People rush past you, some hurrying onto the train and others pushing their children on. As you each approach the car that your friends sit in, you freeze. Standing down the platform, dressed in a posh black suit, is Voldemort. Your scar burns, worse than you would expect, and your hand flies to it. You see Potter grabbing his as well, and you try to reach a hand to your ivory wand in your pocket. No one else seems to notice the Dark Lord as they hurry past him, and he rolls his neck. His pale face looks in all directions, but soon enough his hatred filled eyes land on you and Harry. He opens his mouth to show his needle like teeth.

"Harry......(Y/N)....." He reaches a hand toward you, his claw like finger nails reaching to your face. His nails brush against your delicate (s/c) cheek, and you gasp.

Then you wake up.

You bolt upright, your head leaving its resting place on the cold window. It had been a dream. Thats all. Just a nightmare on your way to Hogwarts.

You look around, finding yourself in a booth with Ron and Hermione sitting nearby with all of your lugage piled on the shelves abouve you. Harry sits directly across you, and you see he has had a mirror of your thoughts. It wasnt simply your dream, you had been linked in the realm of Hypnos, experiencing the same thing at the same time. You wipe a bead of sweat from your forehead, then begin to braid your (h/c) nervously. You have to occupy yourself with something, you feel like you could lash out at any moment. Its as if you are always, always angry. You notice your brother feels the same as his knuckles turn white.

*Time Skip*

You step off the train, basking in the fresh air of the forest. The pine needles around you blow in the wind, and the scent of the woodland area reminds you of the freedom the world has to offer. You brush the newly formed (h/c) braid over your shoulder, hanging on the back of your midnight t-shirt. Though to many pure-blood students at the school it is merely a spider on the front of your shirt, the many half-bloods and muggle borns will understand what it is; a reference to a rather famous super-hero. A hybrid like yourself, in fact.

"Dratheum?" You feel a sudden tug on your baren arm, and you are pulled into a strange force. You pull yourself away, looking to see who tossed you into their chest.

"Malfoy!" You say, a grin spreading from your right ear to your left. The platinum blonde fifteen year old smirks at you, leaning down and grabbing your waist. He places a gentle, cool kiss on your luscious lips.

"Cant believe the Ministry's still letting you walk around free, Im sure Azkaban has a cell lined up for you." He said it in a loving way, as if he is concerned about your well-being, but it causes you to raise an eyebrow. You push him back, and he sees your expression.

"I was joking you nutter." You roll your eyes at his words, kissing his cheek. "Ill see you at the school, right? I mean, if someone like you is even capable of getting there."

"Of course." You smile, giving him one last peck on the lips as he hops onto his self drawn carriage, and you walk away towards your friends. You actually find it quite funny, his pride.

"Hey, Neville." You say, noticing the boy standing next to your group of friends. He waves, and you look to his hands seeing a moving cactus-type potted plant. You shrug, then turn as you hear the next cart being pulled up. Obviously it holds your things, as you are almost always the last to arrive. You blink rapidly at what as of last year moved on its own, seeing the black carriage. You were right, it is being drawn by something.

"Whats that?" You ask, staring at the magnificent creature. It is shaped liked a horse, but looks rather skeletal. Its coat is a charred brown, and it has leathery wings that look similar to your own(currently hidden) ones. It shakes its head, pawing at the ground with its hooves.

"Nothings there, (Y/N)." Harry says, looking to you with concern.

"The carriage is pulling itself, like it always does." You ignore Hermiones words, still awe struck with the critter.

"Youre not going mad." Your attention is drawn away from the animal at the new voice. It is sweet and high pitched, childish and caring. "I can see them too."

Everyone walks around the black cart, looking to the inside. A girl sits there with nearly white hair that falls down her back in elegant curls. She has snow white skin and wears pastel clothing.

"Youre just as sane as I am." You all pile into the cart, looking to the girl with her nose buried in a book. Hermione gestures to the woman, stumbling for words.

"Everyone this is Loony Love...." You all look at her, and she realizes her mistake. "Luna Lovegood."

"I like your necklace." You say, being polite to the odd girl. You actually like her, she has the rare, one in a million quality of actually not minding what anyone else thinks of her. You envy that about her.

"Its a charm, actually." She says, twirling it in her fingers. "Keeps away the Nargles. Hungry." She says, looking to the far off castle as the carriage begins to move. "I hope there's pudding."

"What's a Nargle?" You ask, leaning into the clever Hermione Granger for an answer. She answers in a whisper.

"I have no idea."

Order of the Phoenix//Draco X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now