11 - Snowy Life

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"This is ridiculous!" Hermione exclaims as everyone walks around and heads towards the Great Hall. "We arent learning to defend ourselves. We won't pass our O.W.L's!"

"Hermione," You say, "She's taking over the entire school."

Of course, you are speaking about Umbridge. The plump woman just hobbles about and makes everyones lives miserable. Now, she has some sort of announcement. All of the houses have settled into their seats and Dolores begins to speak at Dumbledore's podium.

"Security has been and will remain the Ministry's top priority. Furthermore, we have convincing evidence that these disappearances are the work of notorious mass murderer....." She pauses for a moment just so she can pinpoint you in the room. She is speaking on behalf of the Ministry, as the paper said the same thing this morning. "Sirius Black."


You sit in your common room, still the only one who occupies it. After visiting Ruby today, you are rather worn out. You've sent so many letters to Sirius you've lost count. Now you are simply sitting on one of the three onyx couches and staring into the fire pit as you wrap your peach blanket around you. It still smells like  Draco from when he last held it.

"(Y/N)!" You jump as the flames of your fire pit shift to a lime green. A face begins to shift in them, one with wavy black hair and bright gray-blue eyes.

"Dad!" You drop your blanket and slide to a crouch in front of the fire. Sirius' face, or Padfoot as you've come to know him in his Animagus form, is looking at you with concern in his eyes. "What are you doing?"

"Responding to your letters. How're you and Harry?"

"We're perfectly fine. Everyone is, for now. That pompous pink woman is wrecking the school!"

Your father doesn't seem the slightest bit ashamed of your words. If anything, he seems proud that you're so like he was when he was young. Insulting anyone who dares insult you and your friends.

"What's she doing? Training you to kill half-breeds?" You shake your (h/c) locks at the flames.

"She's not teaching us magic at all."

"Not surprised. The minister doesn't want magic training against the dark arts at all."

"What does he think?" You ask, throwing up your hands. "We're forming some sort of magical army?"

"Exactly." Oh, you were being sarcastic. "Fudge assumes you are helping Dumbledore with an uprising. Things....things aren't going well here at the Order, sweetie. Voldemort is on the move." You sigh. Of course he is, and it's not as if Minster Fudge will be doing anything. He's in complete denial that there are problems!

Then a knock on your door sends a shiver up your spin.

"Someone's coming!" You quickly douse the flames, getting rid of Sirius and any evidence he was ever there. You turn around as the door unlocks to your commons.

"Uh....." Malfoy trails off as he sees you jump onto the couch and wrap yourself in the blanket.

"It's cold." You say, frowning at the ground. He shakes his head as he walks over and plops down next to you.

"You didn't have to jump at it, idiot." He grins at you as you shuffle into his arms. He slinks one over your shoulder and hugs you close to his body. That night, you fall asleep with him on the couch.

"Cedric?" You call desperately into darkness, seeing the ginger figure of your old friend standing in a void. You feel tears prick your eyes as you run at him, throwing your arms around the boy who died by Voldemort. How is he here?

"Ced, oh god, I thought you were-"

"How could you let me die, (Y/N)?" Your hands drop from Diggory. You step back to see the ginger with a frown on his face, a disapproving look. "How could you?"

"N-no!" You say as tears fall down your cheeks. You didn't want him to die! You wanted him to be the victor of the tournament, to celebrate the end! He was going to hold the cup proudly for Hogwarts! "Cedric, I didn't mean too-"

"How could you?" The words resonate in the black void, repeating over and over as your vision is flooded with green lightning, and Cedric falls backward. You run to catch him, but you fall to your knees as the chuckled spell 'Avada Kedarva' rings out in the void.

"NO!" You screams as you sit upright, sweating drizzling down your face. Your chest rises and falls rapidly as your skull swirls around, scanning your location. Your common room. Where's Ced? Why did you let him die? He's gone, you didn't save him. Oh, god, you didn't save him-

"Sweetie?" Your breath hitches and you spin around, only to see Malfoy looking at you with narrowed eyes. You know he sees the crystal drops as they drip down your cheeks, you know he sees your frizzled (h/c) locks, your rapidly moving chest.

"I-I-I let him....h-he.....h-he....." You cant form words. You let out another sob, horrified by your own actions a year ago when Cedric Diggory died next to you. When you didn't protect him, when you were too late-

"Hey." Your thoughts vanish when a cold surface finds its way to your cheek. You look up to see Draco, more serious than you've seen him in a long while, staring at your with draped eyelids. You throw yourself at him, your body racked with sobs, and bawl into his shoulder. The usually proud boy says nothing, only runs his hand through your hair while using his other palm to hold you securely in his lap.

"I'm right here, Dratheum. I'll always be here."


"Where are you going?" Draco asks as you pull up your (h/c) locks into a ponytail. You shrug as you look out the window of your bedroom.

"For a walk with Hermione, Ron, and Harry."

It's obvious he doesn't like the thought of it. Draco doesn't like any of them, Hermione is what his family calls 'mud-blood', Ron is a Weasley even though you simply adore the family, and Harry is your brother; Draco was denied friendship by him in your first year. He scowls as he crosses his arms, sinking farther into your bed.

"It's cold, you shouldn't be going out. You weak body couldn't take the cold." Is there ever a sentence from his mouth that doesn't insult you lovingly?

"I'll be fine."

"Where's your coat?"

You look down at your body. You have on old furry black boots, blue jeans, and a red sweater. You also have a thick orange scarf around your neck. The Dursley's never found it necessary for you to have a coat, and you forgot to buy one when Harry did.

"Don't have one."

"You git!" Draco exclaims, bolting upright and flying from the bed. He grabs you by the hand and practically drags you out of your bedroom, through the living area, and into the hallway. People move out of your way as he storms to the dungeons, all the way to the Slytherin commons and leaves you to wait outside. He pops out of the Slytherin room a few seconds later with a thick black coat in his hands.

"Take this."


"Merlin's beard." He tugs at your arms and pulls it on you himself. He zips up the coat quickly, tugging the silver zipper up until it is at your neck. You laugh and pull it down so that you aren't choking, then fix your scarf.

"It's just a little snow, Malfoy." You smirk as he studies your body, checking for any revealed skin. All that there is are your hands, which you gently set on his. "I'll be fine."

"Whatever." He says, rolling his crystal eyes. He brings a hand up and caresses your (s/c) cheeks. "Don't get frostbite."

"It's not like I'm going to try."

With that, you stand on your toes and peck his cheek. His pale face gains a slightly rosy shade as your lips contact his icy skin. He grins down at you, capturing your lips with his own as he wasn't satisfied with you cheek-kiss. The contact lingers for a moment before he pulls away, sending you off to meet up with your brother and your friends in the white blankets of the Hogwarts grounds.

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