13 ~ A Time to Teach

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You did enjoy how quiet the woods were, even if they were forbidden and all that. How peaceful, listening to the animals, your back resting against Ruby's huge tail as she curled up protectively, shielding you and Draco from one side as you looked out on the trees, and the peaceful full moon.

You really hoped that Remus was okay, somewhere, with your dad finally there to help him through the cycle.

You sighed heavily at that dreadful thought, making the arms snaked around you to tighten on your stomach. You were sat between Draco's legs, leaning against him as he rested his chin on your head.

"What is it, Black?" He asked, moving his chin from your head to your shoulder. "Afraid I can't protect you from the big scary monsters?"

In spite of your genuine worry, you laughed softly at his words.

"Yeah, right," You said, turning to face him. "A Slytherin protecting a Draetheum? Unheard of."

"So was Draetheum until you came along," he smirked. "But look what happened there."

You gazed up at him. You quite liked Draco when he was tired. He was much kinder, even though you knew he was deep down a good man, but his true colors really shined when he needed a good rest. Besides, the moonlight lit his hair up prettily.

"You're so stupid," you said, shaking your head as you leaned back against him.

"As are you, (y/n). Stupid together."

He didn't say anything for awhile after that, but you could tell he was dozing off. His arms were loosening around you, and his head was drifting across Ruby's scales.

Besides, you had somewhere to be soon enough.

But for now, you were happy. You had Draco, and this, what you could only call 'One-shot' of a brief moment, you were grateful for. Sitting there with him, his arms wrapped protectively around you... but you knew not all was right in the world.

And, dear (y/n), you knew you had to read the next part of this one-shot chapter.



But this time, I want you guys to decide what it is. I've made a list for you to decide, but if I didn't include a fandom of yours, feel free to comment below! Please comment on the fandom you want an insert for, then the next chapter will be the character for the fandom you guys choose!

Gravity Falls

Star Wars



Doctor Who



Avatar the Last Airbender

Percy Jackson

Heroes of Olympus


This is just a list of shows/books/movies that I'm part of the fandom for. I may be forgetting some, but please vote and mention others if you'd like them!

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